Sonia/Ibuki x Amberprice

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A/N am I the only one who doesn't ship pricefield like at all, they just don't work romantically

Ibuki tries to sneak Sonia out of her house

"Ibuki, breakfast is ready." Joyce's voice rang out from the kitchin, venturing into her daughter's bedroom.

"Ugh," Ibuki rubbed her eyes and adjusted to the morning sunlight, eyes staring at the ceiling then trailing down slowly to her bed. "Mmm what time is it?" Warm morning breath spilled out of Sonia's mouth and onto Ibuki's chest, she'd spent the night at the Mioda residence, neither her nor Ibuki thinking about the consequences. Shit, thought Ibuki, how am I gonna sneak Sonia past mom?

"It's uhh," Ibuki checked her clock, "Just past 8, we gotta get up." Ibuki glanced at the princess she had laying on her chest and felt her face glow, both from sunlight and happiness; Sonia still had her eyes closed but the way the light hit her lashes made them shimmer and highlight her cheekbones, it also highlighted the drool dwelling at the corner of her half-open mouth, cute. "Say that again."

"It's.." Ibuki watched as Sonia licked her lips and opened tried to open her eyes, "Just past 8... we gotta get up, school starts soon."

"Your morning voice is hot."

Ibuki grinned, a big toothy grin as she remembered who it actually was laying on her, "Oh." was all she could think to say, so it's all she did. "Don't stop talking." Sonia was now looking up at her expectantly, laying her chin on her knuckles which were resting on Ibuki's chest, eyes creased with bags. "Well," Ibuki began, "we could always skip today, I mean I could name a million things we could do that are better than school, but not here. Since step-douche moved in and that asshat is still jobless, he's home all day, so the house is a no-go. I mean we could go to the junkyard, that is if rats and rusty metal are what turns you on or-

Sonia had stopped staring at Ibuki and started kissing her jaw. Ibuki's eyes rolled back, fuck, I love her.

Joyce was growing impatient, "Ibuki, if you don't get down here soon you won't be having a good nom nom nomming." Sonia climbed on top of Ibuki and gave her a look, "Who needs to go downstairs when breakfast is right here?" making a dive for her neck. Ibuki put a hand on Sonia's face and kept her and her lustful expressions at bay. "I'm sure we can find a place without fear of someone walking in and a lot less morning breath where we can continue this, but it's safe to say we're skipping."

"And remember Ibuki, David's taking you to school today." Disappointment flooded the girls' features, "Guess not." Sonia rolled off Ibuki and occupied the space beside her, "Wait." Sonia sat up, "my parents are going to a wedding at the weekend," Sonia eagerly shoved her face near Ibuki's and waited for her response.

"Umm, is that supposed to mean something to me?" Ibuki searched her face for support. Sonia rolled her eyes, "It means I have the house to myself all weekend. We can do whatever the fuck we want." Sonia kissed Ibuki on the cheek and got out of bed, "Let's go, sleepy head, we've gotta go to school." She threw a stray pillow at the girl left lying on the bed, who proceeded to catch the terribly-aimed pillow in one hand.

"And you're going naked? I mean I'm not complaining but I think that goes against dress code. Wells sure won't be happy with that."

"It would make a statement wouldn't it." Sonia's eyes gave the glint they always gave when she had an idea, "I can already see the instagram captions: Fuck men; Fuck capitalism; omg SN is smokin'."

"Yeah, yeah. Put some clothes on you perv." Ibuki picked up the discarded clothes from the floor and threw them at Sonia who pouted at the girl in front of her, "But Ibuki, we have a cause to fight for, don't you want to support me? Fight with me!"

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