Tokomaru x Shinkami

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A/N I love shinkami so much, i just had to find a way to fit it in here

Toko is the new kid and Komaru tries to befriend her

"Ahem!" Aizawa's monotonous voice reverberated throughout the walls of the large classroom. This had minimal effect on the chaotic 1A students who continued to shout among themselves, besides a few exceptions who had been paying attention since Toko walked in.

Among the ones paying attention was Midoriya, who beamed at Toko with his so-called "infectious" smile. Toko must have been immune.

Nevertheless, she did respect the small boy and appreciated his polite attempt at friendship, unlike others who had tried to befriend her.

Along with Midoriya, Iida, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, and Bakugou were the only ones paying attention, although Bakugou was pretending not to.

Toko's eyes travelled over the classroom once more, bouncing over heads until she paused at one student in particular. Komaru. She repeatedly stole glances at Toko while conversing with her classmates.

Great. I bet she wants to try and make friends with me.

Feeling a headache begin to dwell in her temples, Toko's brain regurgitated her first meeting with the most annoying kid in class 1A; Toko had just been introduced by Aizawa and Komaru couldn't stay away from her, try as Toko might to convince her that she wasn't there to make friends, Komaru wouldn't take it seriously and claimed it to be a "façade", if she even knew what that meant.


The noise in the room instantly dropped. Most of these students may not show respect for Aizawa sometimes but they're most certainly scared of him, even Toko flinched slightly when Aizawa shouted.

"You already know Toko, I expect you to make her feel welcome, I'm looking at you class rep," Iida sat up straighter, "Toko will sit in Satou's seat while he recovers in the hospital, we still don't know where she will sit permanently so your task for the rest of class is to put your heads together and produce ideas. Now quieten down and let me sleep."

With that, Aizawa zipped up his sleeping bag and laid on the ground. Clearly he wasn't going to drone another word until the end of class.

This is ridiculous, I can't believe this is the hero course.

"Hey Toko, where do you wanna sit?"
"Um, Toko, you can take my seat, just please don't kill me."
"Die, Mineta!"
"Toko, have you been training with Mr. Aizawa?"
"Welcome to class 1A, Toko, how are you doing?"

The meaningless questions only annoyed Toko further. She tried to ignore them and brushed past them all to the back of the classroom where she was designated to sit. She pulled out the chair and sat down, hyperaware of everyone's eyes glued to her. Deciding to peek up, she regretted that decision instantly as everyone stared at her like some science project, not dissimilar to how the kids looked at her in middle school.

"Toko, as class rep I must formally welcome you to class 1A," out of nowhere, Iida appeared standing above her, hand held out ready to shake.

Toko simply stared at him with a blank expression. She looked to her right to see Uraraka smiling at her, nodding to shake Iida's hand, as if it were some welcoming ritual and Toko couldn't be apart of class 1A unless she shook it.

"Iida, no one wants your formalities," Komaru strutted up to Toko's desk and placed her palms on the desk leaning closer to her, "You wanna do something fun on your first day, right? You could prank Aizawa, he'd never think it was you so you could get us all into so much trouble." A huge grin was plastered all over her face and Toko swore she could see small sparks fly off her hair as the cogs worked through her mind.

"Komaru, as class rep, I cannot allow you to make such bad impressions on Toko, I must warn Mr. Aizawa about this," Iida began cutting the air with his hand and lectured Komaru. Toko was actually thankful for Komaru in that moment, she'd loosely escaped being forced to talk.

Toko stared at her desk. The wood was smoothly sanded and glossy with varnish, the darker ridges protruding in all directions. She tried to focus on anything but the commotion in the room, she didn't want to deal with a pounding headache on her first day in the hero course.

"Hey, Toko!" Komaru was pestering her again, Toko glared at her desk, tracing the dark lines meandering through the wood, "Toko, do you wanna sit with me and Kirishima at lunch? Sometimes Katsuki shows up too."

Toko ignored the girl in hopes that she would take the hint and leave her alone. Her hopes were left unfulfilled.

"Toko? Tokooooooo? Hey, are you ignoring me?" Komaru began clicking her fingers all over the place.

"Komaru, let him be." Todoroki's dull voice compelled Toko to lift her head and heed him, Komaru just stared at Todoroki and tilted her head, "Not everyone can handle your loud personality, she probably has enough going on, it's her first day, give her some peace."

Toko examined Komaru, her mouth was slightly ajar. She lifted her nose in the air, "Well then, I see where I'm not wanted ." and trudged back to her desk. Instantly Mina leaned over and they started whispering to each other like a bunch of middle school girls.

Toko crawled back into her head and skimmed over her practice sessions with Aizawa, she was learning to use a capturing weapon similar to Aizawa's and finding faults in her practice seemed to help. As well as studying her own practice at home with her scissors.

"Ah, Toko I apologize if you're busy," Midoriya stood above his desk rubbing his neck, smiling awkwardly, "It's just we need to decide where you're going to sit when Satou returns."

"Do not worry Midoriya, I already composed an idea." Iida stood up from his chair, "We can ask Mr. Aizawa to place another desk in one of the corners of the room, there is plenty of space for that and would prevent any other stresses caused by moving."

"Won't Toko be lonely on her own?" Midoriya scratched his head.

"Ah, I never thought of that."  Iida turned to Toko, "my apologies Toko, I never took your opinion into consideration. Where would you like to sit?"

"The corner's fine." Toko grumbled. Multiple people stared at her again, those being the first words she'd spoken that class.

"Are you sure you're okay sitting on your own?" Midoriya looked down, concern filled his eyes.

"It's fine." Toko tried her best to refrain from talking through gritted teeth.

"That works out efficiently! It seems we have completed our task for the class." Iida appeared to be proud of himself.

Paying no mind to the background noise, Toko drifted back into her daydream.

I'm never gonna get used to this.

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