Kazuichi/Mikan fluff

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A/N school is finally over i can stay inside all day now

Talent swap where mikan is the ultimate pianist and kazuichi is the ultimate lucky student.

Kazuichi Souda felt like the luckiest guy in the world watching as his girlfriend played the grand piano like it was as easy as breathing air. The crowd was just as in awe as he was, getting pulled in by the melodic sounds emanating from the stage.

Initially Mikan Tsumiki had been hesitant to play at such a large recital, her anxiety getting in the way of her desire to play, but Kazuichi had insisted and even though he thought she wasn't gonna do it for a while, Mikan eventually gave in and agreed.

When she stepped ok stage her whole body was visibly trembling but as soon as her fingers touched the keys her confidence grew and she became immersed in her music. This song had taken weeks to perfect, it was one which even the ultimate pianist struggled to perfect, but that night she played beautifully.

After the song ended the crowd cheered and Mikan's trembles returned but Kazuichi grinned as she caught his eye and managed to give the audience a bow before the curtains drew closed. The standing ovation continued for a while after she disappeared but Kazuichi knew Mikan was listening from backstage.

The audience eventually dispersed and began exiting the hall, making their way to the exit, but Kazuichi headed in the opposite direction and went to look for his girlfriend backstage. He knew where she was when he heard her play his song. A special song that they held close to their hearts which she only played for him.

"I feel like the luckiest guy in the world," Kazuichi leaned against the doorway to the stage as he watched Mikan's intense gaze trail over the keys on the grand piano.

"Um, y-you are the luckiest person in the world." Mikan stated, eyes not straying from the piano. Kazuichi made his way over to her and rested his arms on the instrument, "oh yeah that's right, I always forget that."

He waited for Mikan to finish playing their song before sitting next to her on the piano bench, when she didn't look at him, he placed a gentle hand on her cheek and drew her gaze towards him. There were tears in her eyes and her lower lip was quivering, "hey what's wrong? You just finished your recital."

"W-what if they d-didn't like the song? O-or what if they just didn't like m-me?" Mikan squeezed her eyes shut as a couple tears spilled down her cheeks. Kazuichi placed his other hand on her shoulder and shook her lightly, "Mikan, you were incredible out there, did you hear the audience's reaction to that? Nothing so incredible will grace their ears ever again."

Mikan placed her hand on Kazuichi's wrist and traced her thumb over the skin, "you r-really mean that?"

Kazuichi moved the hand from Mikan's shoulder to the side of her head and kissed her forehead, "of course I do, you know you were perfect, no one can hate a song when it's played that perfectly."

He embraced her in a large hug and drew circles on her back while she clung onto him like she'd never let go.

They both jumped as a sandbag fell from the ceiling and landed right next to them.

"W-what the heck?!" Kazuichi scrambled up and away from the object, Mikan in tow, "w-what was that?"

"A sandbag f-fell from the ceiling."

"Yeah I know that but why?" He scanned the dark ceiling for any other signs of falling objects.

"The rope must've broken, I'm not sure why it landed there, i-it should've landed right on top of us, I'm n-not sure why it didn't."

"Huh, I guess we're just lucky."

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