Nagito/Mikan fluff

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A/N I did some studying, now i can get back to writing

Nagito and Mikan meet their newborn son for the first time

"It's a boy!" The midwife called out as Mikan gave the final push. "Here you go, Mr Komaeda, your newborn son."

Nagito took the bundle in his arms and instantly knew he had never seen anything more precious and never would again, "Honey do you wanna hold him...?" But Mikan had already fallen asleep before she even got to see her son.

It had been a very long night for her, she was in labour for 12 hours and spent 2 hours pushing the baby out, half of the time she tried to do everything herself and Nagito had to constantly remind her that she was the ultimate nurse not the ultimate midwife - she was on the other side of the globe.

Pulling his son closer to him, Nagito was secretly glad Mikan was asleep so he got more precious moments alone with his child, though he did want to share the experience.

His beautiful baby boy was as pink as Mikan's usual nursing attire and he had the most adorable tuft of purple hair sticking up from his head, but that could possibly fall out later, there was always time for a white head of hair to grow in.

Running through Nagito's mind was their future together, all the memories they would make as father and son or as a whole family.

The baby was crying as all newborns do but Nagito didn't even mind it. It was all part of the experience anyway. He didn't care what his son was doing, what he was like, all he knew was that he loved him and would love him forever no matter what.

People had always said you took one look at your child and you knew you would love them unconditionally, Nagito had doubted this truth but now he was sorry he ever did. Ultimate or not, he felt like the luckiest man alive.


A few hours later Mikan awoke from her deep sleep. She was still exhausted but sleep was the last thing on her mind now she was sober; now she needed her baby.

"E-excuse me, nurse!" Mikan flipped her head from side to side not realising her child was so close by. "Hey, honey, shhh, it's okay, he's right here." Nagito held their son out for her.

Mikan cradled the head of the sleeping baby and drew him to her body as she laid back, "He? He's a boy?"

Nagito drew the hospital chair closer to the bed, "Yep, and he's a trooper. The crying stopped after eight minutes and he's been asleep ever since, just like him mom."

"His hair is purple, he has m-my hair..." she caressed the tufts of hair on her son's head and compared it to her own plum-coloured locks, much to Nagito's dismay, "Hey now, I don't know if we can say that for certain, there's time for it to fall out yet and a new colour to grow in."

"N-no that situation only occurs for babies with raven black hair, his hair is clearly purple, this is different."


Nagito placed a hand on the arm of the mother of his child and calmly watched her as she did... what was it she was doing? "Umm Mikan, what are you doing with him?"

The ultimate nurse had removed his blanket and was carefully examining every inch of his tiny body and prodding around everywhere, "I'm doing my checks, I need to make sure he's healthy."

He moved his hand onto her hand before she could try stick her finger down their son's ear, "Oh no, you don't have to worry about that, the midwife already came in and did some checks earlier and you'll be pleased to know, we are the proud parents of a perfectly healthy baby boy." Nagito gushed with pride over his own son.

"B-but what if they forgot to check the - oh or what if they didn't think about-

"Mikan, calm down." Nagito realised this was something he would have to get used to, raising his child with the ultimate nurse, "he's okay, he's alive and he'll definitely be alive for at least the next few years."

"W-what happens after a few years?!"

"Sorry, sorry, it was just a joke." He took the opportunity to wrap back up his now-stirring son, "Look, you don't wanna wake the baby." He got into the hospital bed, beside her and wrapped one arm around Mikan, keeping the other securely around his  little boy.

They sat there quietly for a while enjoying their son's new presence in their life, about how happy they were and thinking about all the possibilities the future could hold for them.



"I love our son."

Nagito pleasantly rested his head on hers, "I love him too."

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