Sondam x Beauty and the Beast

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A/N obviously Sonia is the beauty and Gundham is the beast, also Kazuichi is Gaston and TeruTeru is LeFou. All the furniture are just gundham's pets (Gundham is not a beast he's just gundham)

Basically just one of the final scenes of beauty and the beast where Kazuichi and Gundham try to kill each other while TeruTeru and the other classmates fight with Gundham's animals downstairs.

Sonia's pov:

Sonia Nevermind had never been so frightened in her whole life. Not when her father had gone missing, not when she found herself locked up all alone in a huge castle, not when she was chased by wolves. No, what she was experiencing now made those situations feel so small and trivial.

On the roof of said castle were two men fighting to the death - one of whom was the man she detested most in this world and the other was the love of her life, that she was certain of. There was no way she could just sit by and do nothing while they killed each other.

Riding into the grounds on Phillippe, Sonia prayed her voice was loud enough to be heard, "Gundham!" She called out to the sky, watching as the two men inched closer and closer to the edge, but there was a glimmer of hope, he saw her, "Sonia!"

Her lover called out to her while laying on the edge of the roof so he didn't see the man sneak up behind him.

"Look out!" Sonia rushed inside, she had to get up there. She couldn't live with herself if either of them died, not when this was all her fault.

Gundham's pov:

Gundham Tanaka was not a fighter, as much as he tried to maintain his dark persona, this did not include violence. However, when push came to shove and his patience was tried, he would not hesitate to fight back and pummel someone's face in, he just didn't know that until now.

Some mere mortal fool from the village came running into the west wing spouting nonsense about how this cultist crap had gone too far and he had to prove his love to miss Sonia. Gundham wasn't willing to give this guy the time of day, simply show him the door and that would be out with him, but what business did Kazuichi have speaking his dark lady's name? No, nothing good could come from that.

A sort of fury overcame him, and when the man threw a punch, Gundham didn't hesitate to punch back.

Their fight ended up on the roof after Kazuichi threw him out the window, almost impaling him on the spikes just outside. This resulted in a constant back and forth of one of the men nearly getting pushed to their death then getting back up and doing it to the other person.

At some point in the chaos, Gundham ended up on the floor with Kazuichi throwing punch after punch to his face until Gundham kicked him off and crawled away ending up on the edge of the rooftop.


He turned over and saw the love of his life - that he was truly sure of - riding in on her horse. Seeing the familiarity of her long golden hair and trademark ribbon garnishing it, Gundham imagined holding her once more, senses filled with her dreamy floral scent and the feel of her satiny hair. Sonia filled him with the warmth he needed to persist.

"Look out!"

Another punch was thrown and Gundham's head was held over the edge, "Do you really think she loves you? Of course she doesn't, she's basically a princess and you're basically an animal." But Gundham wasn't listening to Kazuichi's attempts at making him give up, he was filled with hope after seeing his Sonia.

Kazuichi was kneed in the groin and rolled away in pain as Gundham stepped over him and ran to take the fight to a more safer place. Just as he made it to the tower an arm went around his neck and he felt his throat squeeze but this wouldn't hold him back. He grabbed onto the arm and flipped Kazuichi over, who landed right on his back and was winded for a moment. In that moment, Gundham grabbed the man by the neck and lifted him up, pinning him against the pillar.

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