Hinagami ceo au

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A/N i hate the power dynamic when only one of them is rich. TW this contains attempted sexual assault.

Byakuya and Hina are CEOs

"Absolutely not!"

"But why? It will benefit everyone involved!"

Aoi Asahina was a billionaire and CEO of a global swimwear company, using her early success as an olympic swimmer to kickstart her brand and gaining real success after she invested a lot of money into a local donut shop which was now a huge corporation she co-owned. She had many successes and some failures in her experience so she knew a bad deal when she saw one - she also knew when someone was trying to use her for their own gain.

"Toko, I'm not even gonna entertain this: first you break into my office; then the other one came out and threatened me with your those scissors; and now you just expect me to agree to this deal?" Hina was past being formal, there was never any point with Toko.

"But I need it! I need mr Togami to take me seriously."

Hina retreated backwards as Toko slammed her hands on the desk and leaned forward, "Byakuya will never take you seriously. I hate the guy and even I feel bad for you constantly harassing him."

Toko got down on her knees and begged, "... pretty please."

"Do you want me to call security?" She pinched the bridge of her nose, "remember what happened last time?"

This had an effect on her demeanour, "Okay, okay I'm going, but this isn't the last time you'll hear from me about this." The woman scuttled away clutching her braids.

"I'm sure it won't be.." Hina grabbed the last donut out of the box on her desk and strolled over to the window. Byakuya Togami, a billionaire amongst billionaires. Most people were terrified of him, he had so much power that he wasn't afraid to use and so much more money than anyone knew about.

Like Hina, Byakuya was a 'billionaire', not the richest in the world but not far off, however, that was just counting the money in his bank: of all the money he had tucked away in stocks and shares, he was easily the richest man who ever lived - no one knew how much he truly had, he probably didn't know himself.

He didn't scare the ultimate swimmer though. Hina had known him since the high school days they spent together at hope's peak and while he intimidated her at first she soon learned that he was more of a softie than he let on he just locked that side of him away never to be seen.

Somehow they both managed to place their headquarters directly opposite each other so they were reminded of each other everyday, she stared at his building wondering if he was in there everyday - probably not though, she doubted if he did anything inside that building or if it was just another project that happened in his name.

Toko had proposed she write a series of books based on the romance between a school girl and a billionaire CEO set at a swimming pool. She thought she could reference both Byakuya and I's corporations and we would make an investment but Hina knew it would just bring shame to their names and besides, Byakuya would never agree to any sort of partnership with Toko.

It would have been nice though, to see him. All those years spent staring at his building, wondering about him and never getting to see him - this gave Hina an idea.


"Absolutely not!"

A few weeks later Hina was in a meeting with the vice-president of Byakuya's company - obviously he couldn't show up, he probably didn't even know the meeting was happening.

"Sir, I implore you to think otherwise. This could be beneficial to both our companies and it would change the game, surely you see that?" Hina was worried the vice-president was not easily swayed.

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