Dr2 characters get exposed

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A/N do people even read stories like this? Idk but this was super fun to write.

Monokuma forces the class to watch each others' dreams from the previous night, at the movie theatre.


It was a usual day in the life of me, the ultimate mechanic, I was strolling along the high street being stared at by countless women when all of a sudden I heard the most beautiful screech my ears could ever be blessed with.

Flying over to the sound, I saw a train about to crash into a conveniently placed wall and the most beautiful lady I had ever seen was screaming out the window - no she wasn't just a lady, she was a princess.

I flexed my muscles and the arms to my shirt ripped off so everyone could see my bulging muscles, "Don't worry miss, I'm coming to save you!"

Flying down to the princess, I swooped her up in one quick motion, carrying her bridal style, and flew her away from the danger, "Don't worry miss, you're safe now."

"Oh thank you, Kazuichi," The princess swooned, "you're my hero, let's get married tonight!"

"Thanks miss, just doing my job." I winked and she swooned again.

"Uhh, umm." Kazuichi's face felt hot as fifteen pairs of eyes stared at him, this was not his day, "Monomi, what the heck, that was private!"

"It's not my fault, you're a creep."

Kazuichi whined and mumbled to himself, "if even she thinks I'm a creep then what does that make me, what hope do I have?"

If he took an interest in his surroundings at all he would've seen Sonia awfully uncomfortable and shooting a glare at him. "Kazuichi, I am not some damsel in distress who needs saving and I will never be 'into' you." She said this with much earnest and hoped her point would finally be made.

"B-but miss Sonia."

"No." Sonia's face burned bright with a mix of embarrassment and anger, "You do not get to make up this fantasised version of me anymore, I want you to see me for who I really am."

There was silence for a minute before Fuyuhiko started chuckling, "dude is that really how you see yourself? It was like you copy-paste your head onto Nekomaru's body, and heroism? Dude you're the most cowardly person here, even worse than Mikan."

"Heyyy, shut upppp." Despite Kazuichi's cries, Fuyuhiko did not shut up and continued to make fun of him, joking about it for months to come.

Ultimate imposter:

I stood at the head of the room and watched everyone carefully, yes they were all complying even Fuyuhiko.

"Everyone may I have your attention, I have an announcement to make." As the one who arranged this party it was only right that I made a speech, "thank you for your cooperation tonight, it's truly a marvel watching my classmates work together in such harmony. If we can keep this up then we can beat the killing game together."

The class cheered in unison and everyone tucked into the delicious food Teruteru cooked but no one ate as much as me and everyone partied the night away, enjoying each others' presence and eventually the party died down and we all retired to our respective cottages.

"Booring." Monokuma's voice rang out and shocked them all upright.

"What does that mean? A killing game." Nagito rested his chin in his hand thoughtfully.

"Oh, that's nothing to worry about." Monokuma said before disappearing again.

Fuyuhiko seemed a bit pissed off, "why wouldn't I comply, what's wrong with me?"

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