Sondam fluff

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A/N let me know if i write too much sondam, they live in my head rent-free so I feel like I write about them too much

Sonia isn't allowed to go to the ball so Gundham tries to make her night special

"Mother, please at least tell me why I can't go."

Sonia Nevermind was all dressed up in her finest ballgown, her hair braided, makeup done, prepared for her parents to change their minds about letting her go to the ball.

It was the 25th anniversary of her parents' coronation and she was an adult now. All her life she wanted to experience the grandeur of the annual balls and she begged her parents to let her go, yet she had always been met with 'when you're grown up'.

As a young child sometimes she would sneak out of her room, without getting caught when she was lucky, and caught glimpses of the splendour but as she aged it seemed inappropriate to be sneaking around.

Now she was grown she assumed she would be welcome but the king and queen disagreed. When she was originally rejected, she thought they were just joking so she prepared herself for the event anyway and this time was met with:

"Because I said so, I don't need to explain myself to you." Her mother snapped at her and turned for the ball but Sonia was desperate and grabbed her hand, "Does father feel the same way?"

"Of course he does, your father and I see eye-to-eye on this matter, we have agreed that you are not to go to the ball." The queen snatched her hand out of her grasp and sighed reluctantly, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her daughter's ear, "Why don't you go call that boyfriend of yours, eh? Maybe I'll think about letting him visit the castle one day, okay."

This triggered Sonia's memory and she remembered that someone had been hiding under her bed for quite some time while she and her mothered had their disagreement, "Oh, thank you so much, mom, really, I suppose it doesn't matter too much if I don't go to ball, but you should hurry before the guests arrive, have fun." She daren't shut the door in the queen's face so she closed it slightly to hasten her leave.

"Yes, I knew that'd make you happy, don't stay up too late. Goodnight, darling." She closed the door.

The ultimate princess rushed over to her bed to apologise for taking so long but when she searched underneath, there was no one there.

"Gundham?" She examined the room to make sure he hadn't hidden anywhere else but he wasn't in any other hiding spot. The large balcony was also devoid of life as she could tell from the window, but when Sonia tried to open the doors, they were locked.

She assumed he had gone to use one of their bathrooms -though she had no clue how he would've gotten past her but where else could he be - but it would be really bad if he got caught so Sonia went after him, scouring the hallway for any sign of him. Each bathroom on that floor was empty and when Sonia reached the end of the hall she began to panic.

"Oh, Gundham, what if they've caught you?" But before any tears could form, two hands were placed over her eyes and a familiar voice spoke in her ear, "you don't believe a mere mortal could catch me so easily do you?"

"Gundham!" Sonia reached for his hands but they were locked in place. "Gundham?"

"'Patience is a virtue' is a saying the mortals have, you'd be wise to listen. Once you reach the end of the tunnel there is a glimmer of light," He began pushing her forward, "If you'll only let me guide you to this light, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised."

So Sonia let Gundham lead her through the halls, though she knew this place like the back of her hand since she'd ventured through the castle, many-a-time on account of it being her home, and she knew Gundham was just leading her back to her room but she played along anyway, it's not like she knew what the surprise was going to be.

He must've been the one to lock the door as when they entered her bedroom, he led her straight through to the balcony and she could feel the cool night breeze on her arms.

"Princess," Gundham removed his hands from her eyes and got down on one knee in front of her, holding one of her hands with both of his own, "My dark lady, Sonia, will you do me the greatest honour any mortal or immortal man could bear and allow me to have this dance?"

The ultimate breeder was lacking his usual coat and t-shirt, instead wearing a dress shirt with puffy sleeves, though his top two buttons were unbuttoned so his necklace with a small 's' charm - which he told everyone stood for satan but nobody believed him - was exposed underneath his scarf which was still wrapped around him, carrying his four dark devas.

Sonia gazed at him then at the rest of the balcony: there was an old-fashioned record player in the corner and the stone railing that lined the balcony had been weaver with bunches of white and pink flowers; there were a many candles and a couple candelabras scattered around the floor.

"It would be my greatest pleasure." Sonia curtseyed as she said this. In sync, they assumed position and immediately picked up the steps. Together they made their way around the balcony, feeling the music seep through them, not breaking eye contact. Sometimes they would surprise each other with an abrupt new move like when Gundham spun her around or when Sonia leaned back into his hand and felt like she was gliding through the air, which resulted in many giggles.

When they slowed down with the music, the devas - who'd been hiding in Gundham's scarf in fear of being knocked away - began scurrying across their arms and carefully burying in Sonia's hair.

"You know, you don't have to get on one knee when asking someone to dance, it isn't like a marriage proposal." Sonia moved her hand from his shoulder to the back of his neck and dragged her thumb across his skin.

Gundham removed a deva from her hair and let it crawl up his arm, "Ah, but a this was a proposal, the dance between a human and demon signifies the convergence of two worlds, rejection could've ended in war."

"How did you get out without my mom or I seeing you, and how did you lock the door to the balcony, and how did you set all this up in the few minuted I left my room?"

"The answer to the first question is simple, my dear, I escaped through the balcony while you were distracted, using the window sills as a pathway. As for the second two questions, well, only my four dark devas of destruction can answer that."

"They must be very talented at sneaking around, I did not see them at all while I was searching for you."

"Are you enjoying tonight? I do hope it is up to your standards," Gundham moved his head closer to her's, "I only wanted to make you happy."

"Of course I'm enjoying it, Gundham, this is beautiful," Sonia rested her forehead his, "you're beautiful."

Drawing his head and hand away from her waist, he pulled up his scarf and hid behind it, not disguising the scarlet shade his face turned. This made Sonia giggle so she kissed his cheek and drew his line of sight back to her with her hand.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, he simultaneously placed both hands on the small of her back and tugged her closer. They were dancing very slowly now and all the candles had been blown out so their only illumination was the moonlight.



"Truly, thank you for tonight, this was much better than the ball would ever be."


Their faces inched closer until their mouths were nearly touching, Sonia leaned in for a kiss just before Gundham shouted, "Now onto the midnight picnic, go my four dark devas of destruction!"

Four devas were running wild, climbing up the side of the building. Gundham led the startled Sonia back through the castle, "I've prepared a rooftop picnic, the perfect finish to the night. From there we can watch hellfire rain down from above."

The princess smiled at all the effort put into the night's activities and the almost-kiss was soon forgotten - there would be plenty of time for that later anyway - for now she just wanted to enjoy the food and watch fireworks with her boyfriend. 

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