Sondam fluff

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A/N I find it so hard to pick a favourite animal crossing character, like it could be Lucky but it also could be bunnie, or margie, or Julian, or whitney etc. Also does Marshal remind anyone else of Fuyuhiko?

Sonia gets Gundham obsessed with animal crossing.

Sonia Nevermind was happily carrying out her daily chores in animal crossing. This had become a part of her everyday morning routine.

Ever since Chiaki introduced the game to Sonia, she fell in love with it, with all its adorable animal creativity. So every morning like clockwork, at 10 am Sonia took Chiaki's switch from her cottage and played away until lunch.

Chiaki didn't mind of course, she was happy to see someone else invested in video games and besides, she had other consoles to play.

Most days she kept the curtains closed while she played - it wall all part of the experience - and today was no exception.

"It seems I am not the only one who thrives in the depths of darkness."

Gundham had entered Sonia's cottage but she paid no mind to him, he often came in without calling - though until now, never between the hours of 10 and 1pm.

He joined her on the bed and snuggled into her, his devas ran out of his pockets and scurried to explore Sonia's bed. He wasn't really paying attention to what she was doing, "What is my dark lady doing on this day?"

She shifted so he could watch the screen, "I'm playing this game Chiaki showed me, you might like it actually, it's called animal crossing."

Now she really had his attention.

"Tell me more about this... animal crossing."

So Sonia spent the rest of her morning showing Gundham around her island and explaining the game mechanics. She introduced her villagers in the order of: Lucky, Ankha, Coco, Agnes, Raymond, Stitches, Pietro, Pekoe, Kiki and Ruby.

The whole time Gundham's eyes were glued to the screen, he was enamoured with this game.

Oh how little Sonia knew about the obsession that had just began.


Two days later the class was eating breakfast together like they did everyday. And for the second day Gundham had not shown up to breakfast.

Sonia had checked on him yesterday after he didn't show up but the door was locked and he wouldn't answer, but now she was getting worried so she was determined to be more persistent this time.

After breakfast, which was mostly spent discussing what Gundham was doing, cooped up in his cottage for so long, Sonia went to his room with the information Chiaki had given her:

One of her backup Switches had gone missing and she questioned everyone about it - who all said they hadn't seen or taken it - except Gundham.

"Gundham," Sonia knocked on the door, "We're all worried about you, please open the door."

There was no response.

"Gundham," Sonia was louder this time, "I refuse to go away until you let me in, or at least until you tell me why you've been cooped up in your cottage for two days."

This was a silly statement, Sonia was pretty sure she knew what had kept him away for so long and it was nothing to worried about, but still, he couldn't live like this.

"Gundham, can you show me your animal crossing isl-

"If that was what you wished, then why didn't you say so, my dark lady," Gundham pulled her into the room, locking the door behind them.

It was very dark, though Sonia couldn't fault him there as she too spent a lot of time in the dark, but no sunlight for two whole days was not good for you.

His cottage was perfectly tidy like he hadn't touched anything else in there except his bed which he sat on to play the game.

There were large dark patches under his eyes and Sonia knew this obsession had robbed him of all sleep. She did expect the room to smell a bit, but then she remembered what a clean freak Gundham was when it came to the safety of his devas and she supposed he must've gotten a shower at some point.

They sat on the bed together and Gundham walked her through his whole island which was already at 5 stars - he definitely did some time travelling - and introduced his villagers as: Apple, Clay, Flurry, Graham, Hamlet, Hamphrey, Marlo, Rodney, Soleil, Rosie and Roald.

She had to admit, it was all very impressive, but this couldn't go on so she tried to lure him into a trap, "Gundham how about I have a turn now, and you can watch me play, I won't mess anything up, I promise."

Gundham looked skeptically at the Switch, then back at Sonia, then back again, then he sighed and looked at the pillow where he used to sleep, "Very well, if it must be done, I trust you will not disappoint me, my dark lady." He handed her the switch and laid his head on her shoulder.

Within seconds he was already asleep and Sonia placed his head on to pillow where he would surely rest for at least 8 hours. She promptly left the cottage and returned the switch to Chiaki, telling her to keep it locked up and since then a Switch had never been seen on the island again.

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