Gundham/Himiko angst

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A/N I have varying levels of motivation for this fic over time so if you ever request anything I will get it done but I can't promise that it will be quick

Himiko starts to see the issues in her and Gundham's relationship

"Good morning, my dark priestess." Gundham kissed the top of Himiko's head as she began to open her eyes. He needed to make the most of this morning, it wasn't often Himiko came down to visit him in the underworld.

They were in his bedchambers in his castle, it was a dark place but as soon as Himiko woke up, the torches liming the walls lit up. Her magic was stronger down here.

"What time is it? How long before my magic show?"

"It is still early, my dear. Your performance isn't until noon."

Himiko's visit to the underworld had been purely selfish on Gundham's part as he yearned to see her again. However, he reasoned with her by promising the demons of the underworld that she'd put on a show for them which she'd agreed to. Now he gets to spend the next few hours with her.

"Okay, I'll just go back to sleep then..." She started to doze off before Gundham got out of bed and pulled the covers off of her, "hey, now i'm cold."

"Not so fast, we have reservations. Only the best brunch place in the underworld for the dark priestess."

"But I'm sleepyyy. Can't we stay here all morning?"

"I'm afraid not. I've already booked reservations and the supreme overlord and his lady have a duty to fulfil. We can't bring shame on ourselves and miss a reservation when everyone is waiting for us."


"Now, come. Let us make haste." Gundham found her suitcase and rooted through it looking for something suitable to wear, "ah, it seems you have not brought any clothing worthy of hell's restaurant. No matter, I shall send for some new ones. Wait here."

Not only did she wait, but she also fell back asleep, which was what she really wanted to do in the first place. This was why Himiko never usually came to the underworld, there was always so much work with Gundham being the supreme overlord and all, she just wasn't cut out for it. Time spent with Gundham was most enjoyable when he came to the over-world and he watched her shows.

"Himiko, I'm back and I brought you a beautiful dre- oh no we can't have that now, can we?" He walked in, changed out of his pyjamas and in his usual attire. It was unfair that he gets to wear the same thing he wears everyday while Himiko had to dress up. "I guess you'll have to meet my friend, the tickle monster."

"I'm up."

"Oh, that's unfortunate. My friend so did want to meet you. Very well then, I shall leave your clothing here and allow you to dress yourself." Gundham left the dress on the bed and exited the room.

It took a while for Gundham to allow Himiko to dress herself, before he got his servants to do it. The idea in itself was uncomfortable but the servants were walking skeletons so it made you cringe every time they touched you.

The dress Gundham had picked out wasn't even Himiko's colour. It was purple to match his scarf and it looked just like a stereotypical witch's dress from the salem witch trials. Maybe it was all for show for the demons, but Himiko didn't like it one bit, it's like he wanted them to think she was a witch not a mage.

When she put it on it was too tight and itchy, uncomfortable would be an understatement.

With a sigh, she called for her partner, "Gundham, I'm dressed."

"Ah, you look simply bewitching." Wait did Gundham actually think she was a witch? "Let's make our way to the restaurant then, shall we?" He held out his arm for her to take.

They made their way down the halls of the castle and at outside was an undead carriage waiting for them.

"My lady," Gundham held open the carriage door and held out his hand.

Inside the carriage was really dark, like even darker than usual. It'd been a while since Himiko had ridden in one of these but she didn't remember it being this dark.

"My dark priestess," when Gundham shut the carriage door his voice almost sounded, nervous? "I must say, I lied about the reason why we had to go to brunch. I don't have a reservation but they'll make room for their supreme overlord."


"Will you, Himiko Yumeno, do me the honour of marrying me?"

Suddenly the carriage brightened and Himiko saw Gundham in front of her, down on one knee, with a small black box containing a ring with a huge ruby on it.

"Will you spend the rest of forever down here with me?"

Forever? Himiko hated being in the underworld for five minutes, never mind forever. She liked Gundham, she really did, but not enough to marry him. Recently she'd been wondering if she even wanted a relationship with him anymore.

"I-I'm sorry." Himiko jumped out of the carriage and just ran, even when Gundham was shouting behind her she didn't stop. The constricting dress didn't help but it made her realise that Gundham was not the one for her.

Himiko left the underworld and never looked back.

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