Chapter 34-Nothing's Changed...

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Ray's POV

The first venue.

I was sat side stage with Juliet.

Since we'd become friends we told each other pretty much EVERYTHING.

"What if i am pregnant again? I can't risk Danny finding out. He'd do the exact same thing he did to... To..." I broke down crying and Juliet layed my head down in her lap and started stroking my hair.

"Shhh, it's ok sweety, everythings going to be fine. Who cares if Danny finds out? We'll just have to be more careful when in public." She told me with her honey-smooth voice.

I looked up from her lap, into her eyes.

"We weren't in public the first time. Andy and i were home, in bed. Asleep. And he broke in and stole her from us." I paused for a moment and thought. "Juliet?"

She gave me a small smile. "Yeah babe?"

"When you and Andy have kids- if you and Andy have kids. Promise me something." I told her.

She nodded, beckoning for me to continue.

"Never let your child out of your sight. Especially when around me. Danny could be lurking anywhere, planning the perfect oportunity to ruin my life and my family's." I smiled a little because, lets be honest... These guys were like family.


They were family.

My better family.

The only family i cared about.

"I promise honey." She smiled and kissed my cheek.

I hugged her tightly and stroked her back with my thumbs.  

At that moment, Syn walked up to us and smiled. Then he must have noticed something was up because he immedately lost it.

"What's the matter babe?" He asked, tearing me away from Juliet and into his warm embrace.

I wrapped my arms round his waist tightly and cried into it.

Still, i refused to tell him that what Dahvie said could be true - that i could be pregnant with his child.

"Please tell me what's the matter Ray, i could help." He pleaded, holding me at arms length by my shoulders.

I sighed.

"I'll tell you when i'm sure." Was all i said.

I started to get hot and really light-headed, causing me to sway in Brian's arms.

"Babe? Are you ok? Baby?" He asked, genuine concern dripping from his perfectly sculpted lips.

I felt my eyes begin to flutter, i tried to keep them open but soon the darkness consumed me.

Syn's POV

I caught her unconcious body before she fell to the ground.

"Shit!" Juliet gasped and got up from where she was sitting to come help me with her.

"I've got her!" I snapped, pushing her hands away from me.

I really didn't like Juliet, ever since what happened with Andy 2 years ago.

I didn't give a shit whether her and Ray were friends now, she still destroyed my girlfriend's heart.

I gently picked Ray up and took her to my band's dressing room, laying her on the couch.

I sat on the arm of the couch and looked at her, then started to chew on my thumb nail with worry.

I heard someone open the door but i didn't bother to look up.

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