Chapter 27-We Scream, We Shout

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Andy's POV

We had been waiting about half an hour for any news on Ray.

"If she dies then so do i." I mumbled.

"No you don't. You gotta be strong, not just for your family or your friends, but for your fans too." Syn replied sternly.

"But i don't want to live without her. I can't." I moped.

"I know it seems that way  but all we can do at the moment is wait and hope for the best." He stated.

Syn's POV

That was when Doctor Smith came out. It didn't look good.

"We have news on Ray."

This was it... Was she even alive?

Time to find out...

"How is she?" Andy asked, getting up from his chair.

"She's lost a lot of blood as you're already aware of, but this has caused her heart to be very weak. We don't know how long she's going to last. I'm sorry Andy." He said with pure sadness in his voice.

Andy just looked into nothingness. He just stood there for a few moments taking it all in and then wobbled, falling back into the chair.

"Andy i'm so sorry." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"I can't believe it. She can leave me. After all we went through. She can't just quit on me now." He cried into his hands.

Andy's POV

What could i say?

I was crushed.

Could i really loose the girl i haven't even had the chance to marry yet?

"I need her to live. I need Jayy to live. I need everything to be ok. I need to make sure everything is back the way it was before all this shit came into our lives, before Danny fucked up Ray's life but after i met her, after i proposed to her. And i need Carolyn to be here. I know she wasn't mine but it seemed like she was. I miss them so much." I sobbed.

"I know you do, but as much as it hurts to say or hear this, you can't change the past no matter how much you want to." Syn replied.

"I know. I just wish there was a way." I sighed, my breath shaky from where i was still crying.

"Believe me. We all do." He replied.

"Brian Haner Jr.?" A doctor asked, poking his head round the corner of the hall.

"Yes?" He answered.

"Mr Monroe is asking for you." He said.

"Me? We barely know each other." He whispered half to me, half to himself.

"Go see him, i'll be fine here." I smiled slightly.

"You sure?" Syn asked.

"Yeah, now go see how he is." I insisted.

Syn's POV

I walked into Jayy's ward and he was wired up to all sorts of machines and things that beep. He looked so weak and helpless. I'd never really seen him like that before, probably because i'd only ever seen him at his strongest besides the funeral.

"You ok man?" I asked sitting by his bedside.

"Yeah, they put me through emergancy surgery and got the bullet out, they think everything's going to be ok." He replied, giving me a weak smile.

"What exactly happened?" I asked him.

"Danny pointed the gun at Jinxx so i jumped in the way and took the bullet for him. He's always stuck up for me so i repaid him." He smiled at what i assumed where the memories of Jinxx helping him out.

"Dude you haven't known him that long and you're already jumping in front of bullets for him?!" I laughed once.

"I love him." Jayy mumbled under his breath, obviously hoping i wouldn't hear.

"You what?!" I raised my voice a little.

"I love him Syn. He's kind, sensitive, a great musician, loves his fans and always makes you feel wanted." He pointed out.

"Yeah but he's engaged to Sammi." I sighed in awkward frustration.

"I know. Even if he wasn't, hes not gay." Jayy said with sadness dripping from his vocal chords.

Just then, who should come in but Jinxx?!

"How's everything going?" He asked.

"I-I need to talk to Jinxx alone." Jayy half whispered.

I looked at him sternly.

"Don't do anything you'll regret." I whispered.

"I won't." he nodded.

I left the room and waited. This was going to be a mistake i could feel it.

Jinxx's POV

I walked over to Jayy who was sitting half up in his bed.

"What's wrong buddy?" I asked.

The next thing i knew, Jayy grabbed my shirt and pulled me towards him and crashed his lips against mine. For some reason, i didn't want to pull away. I just let him kiss me. Something was telling me this was a bad idea but everything else in my brain was telling me to carry on. What the fuck was i doing?! I love Sammi. I'm going to marry her. So if i love her so much then why am i now moving my lips in sync with Jayy's contemplating stopping or carrying on. I couldn't take it. So i pulled away.

"I love you Jinxx." Jayy said.

"Bu-but I'm with Sammi. Why did i kiss you back?!" I asked with pure shock.

"Because some part of you feels the same way?" Jayy replied with a questioning tone.

"No. I don't. I can't. I love Sammi. I'm going to marry her. I'm straight, not gay! I can't do this!" I almost shouted and ran out of the room.

Jayy's POV

My heart shattered into a million tiny pieces.

What do i do now? The man i love doesn't love me back, yet he kissed back. My mind is messed up bad right now.

Then i heard a scream come from down the hall.

"What the fuck was that?!" I asked myself, knowing i wouldn't get the answer.

Andy's POV

That scream was poison to my ears.

It was Ray.

I ran up to her door and she was sat upright in the bed, she looked like something out of a zombie movie, her eyes were bloodshot and she was unbelievably pale. She just sat there, it looked like she was staring right at me. Her mouth was wide open from when she screamed and her head was tilted upwards a little. 

That scared the shit out of me. Seeing her like that was going to haunt my dreams forever.

I saw as the doctors and nurses crowded round her and tried to lie her back down. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek and land on my chest.

It broke my heart...

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