Chapter 11-Best Surprise Ever!!!!

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Ray's POV

"I got a surprise for you." Andy said and my eyes shot open.

"What surprise? I hate surprises, just tell me." I said and sighed.

"Argh, you're no fun! How would you feel about performing some of our songs tomorrow at the next venue?" He asked me.

"Oh my God, what?! You want me to ruin your songs in front of thousands of people?" I asked him.

"You have a lovely voice, you haven't ruined them in the past, like when we did some band practice, the band and i are sure you can do this." He replied and i smiled at him.

"Ok, fine i'll do it." I sighed, giving in.

"YAY! Guys she's doing it!!!" Andy called and the others came running in, including Sammi, who i was really excited to see again.

"Thanks Ray, you're gunna do great, we know you will." Sammi smiled, giving me a hug.

"Thanks, i hope so, aren't you gunna sing Andy?" I asked.

"Yeah, ima sing for the first half, and then you sing for the next, that's three songs each." He said and smiled at me, i smiled back.

"I can't believe this, just over three weeks ago, i was just the average fan, now im singing in front of them with the band i love the most, and dating the lead singer! It's like a fucking dream!!!!" I squealed excitedly.

"I know right?! I wish i could sing like you Ray." Sammi sighed holding my hands.

"Awwww, that warms my heart, hearing you say that." I said, beaming at her. "But you can. So hush up."

Sammi just blushed and hugged me once more.

"I think we should practice the set list for tomorrow." Jinxx said and we all nodded.

"Yeah, i know all your songs off by heart, but yeah, i will need to practice, to get the jist of how you do things." I agreed.

Andy's Songs:

Rebel Love Song

Sweet Blasphemy

All your Hate

Ray's songs:


Children Surrender


We did the songs and i can safely say that i have never smiled so much in my life!

"Wow, you were great Ray!" Sammi said and gave me a hug.

"Too right she was!" Andy practically shouted and kissed me, i kissed back and then he licked my bottom lip, asking for an entrance, i gladly let him in and we stood there having a tongue war for about 2 minutes.

"Ewww guys, i can see your tongues inside each others mouths!" Jake grimaced and i think he turned away after that, me and Andy chuckled, still having our tongue war.

"Ok, i don't know how long they'll be at it, so lets go eat." Jinxx said and they left the bus.

Andy pulled me into the back room, he knew that we couldn't 'do anything' because i was pregnant, so he just laid me down on the bed, then laid next to me and we made out, i then fell asleep in his arms.

"Found them." Ashley whispered. "They're asleep in the back room."

"Awww. They're so adorable when they're asleep together." Sammi whispered quietly.

"Shut up Sammi." I whisper-yelled, eyes still closed.

"Shit, we thought you were asleep!" Ash said and i chuckled.

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