Chapter 13-Concert time!!

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Ray's POV

They were only in the other room for about five minutes before they returned with nervous smiles on their faces.

"What's with the faces, did you have a gang bang in there or something?!" I asked they laughed.

"Hell no! I love the guys and everything, but just. No." Ashley grimaced and we laughed again.

"Good, because i would've felt left out." I whined and we laughed all over again.

"Yeah, so, who wants to tell her?" Jake asked the guys.

"Huh? Tell me what?" I looked confused and pouted. Andy raised his hand and smiled at me.

"How would you like to become the second bassist and singer of Black Veil Brides?" Andy asked me and my heart just stopped.

"W-w-what?" I stammered.

"So. You wanna?" Jinxx asked.

I just stood there for a moment day-dreaming. I was looking into the distance, or, the ceiling of the bus, just think if how awesome that would be with a crazy fan girl day-dreamer grin on my face. I bet i looked like a total douche. Then i nodded my head, bringing myself back into the room.

"Oh my God, that would be fucking amazing!" I shouted and wrapped my arms round Andy's neck, pulling him into a hug and kissing him repeatedly.

"Hey don't thank me, it was Jake's idea." He said and i released him and walked casually up to Jake. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back. I let go of him and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you so much Jake, for coming up with the idea, and guys thanks for agreeing with him!" I squealed and hugged them one by one.

"You're welcome!" Ashley smirked.

"I know what happens next." CC said and put on an evil smile.

"Oh dear, that doesn't look good." I said, backing away from him.

"MAKE UP TIME!!!!!!" CC cried and i took a sigh of relief.

"Wait. I get to do it right?" I asked.

"We can help you the first time, and we won't, hear that CC? WILL NOT draw any dicks on your face no matter what. It's gunna be totally professional." Jake smiled, making us crack up.

"Ok. We'll do it once i've gotten changed." I laughed and went into the back room where all the make up and mirrors were, but i was definaltley going to get changed first, into something similar to the guy's outfits.

"We need to do something that describes your personality, because that's what ours is like." Andy said to me.

"So bubbles all round then?" CC smirked.

"I'm not bubbly!" I shouted and wacked him on the arm.

"Fine fine, ok then. No bubbles or dicks then." He said rubbing his arm.

I got changed into a black tee and black skinnies, and changed my snakebites (Yes, i have snakebites and i love them) i was going to tease my hair after the makeup.

"Jinnx, pass the paler pleeeeeeeease." Andy whined, and Jinxx said nothing, but did as he was told. Andy covered my face and neck in paler and then passed the pot back to Jinxx, who set it down on the table where it was before. Andy passed and inspected me, trying to think of something to do for me. All of a sudden his face lit up. 

"Jake, pass the black lipstick, i have an idea!" Andy said. I could trust him, and possibly Jinxx, if hes in a good mood... :D

"Sure thing bro." jake said and handed him the lipstick.

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