Chapter 12-Preparing for the Concert

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Andy's POV

I woke up bright and early that morning, i couldn't wait for Ray to perform later on today, she was so excited, i could definitely tell. She was so much happier, and it took her mind off Danny and everything she went through yesterday. I couldn't believe so much shit could happen to a person in one lifetime.

"Andy?" I heard Ray say.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Oh good you're awake now." She said, smiling.

"What do you mean now?" I asked.

"I've been up for ages, i'm too excited." I rolled over and she was smiling at me.

"Me too, I'm sure the fans will love you just as much as they love the rest of us." I smiled back at her.

"Even though i'm kinda stealing your limelight?" She asked me.

"Even though your kinda stealing our limelight." I repeated. "Anyways, it's hardly stealing, we offered it to you."

"I guess." She said and thought about it for a moment.

"You guys ready to rehearse?" Jake shouted from the couch, i could tell, he does it a lot...

"But it's like." I said and looked at my phone. "8:37 A fucking M!"

"Yeah, but we need to practice with Ray more, she's not as used to it all as we are remember." Jake replied and i looked at Ray.

"He's right, i do need quite a bit of practice." She told me and i shrugged.

"Ok." I said and got out of bed, i then helped her out. "Right, lets do this!!" I shouted and i threw Jake's guitar at him.

"Hey! Woah, don't hurt my baby!" Jake shouted and we all laughed.

Jinxx got his guitar, Ash got his bass, CC got his drumsitcks and i got my mic for me and Ray.

"Everybody ready?" I asked when we were all situated in our spots.

"Yup!" They all shouted in unison.

"Ok, Jesus! No need to shout guys!!" I shouted back.

"What song?" Ray asked.

"What songs can you do?" I asked in pesponce.

"Just about any of yours, or any in general, as long as i know it..." She blushed a bit.

"Oh yeah... I remember." I facepalmed.

Ray's POV

I couldn't wait to perform with Andy and the guys tonight! I didn't get any sleep last night i was so excited! Now I was practicing with them in their bus! It's kinda hard to believe that only a few weeks ago i was having the shitiest time and just a regular fan, and now I'm dating the lead singer of my favorite band and performing with them on tour tonight!!!! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Just about any of yours, or any in general, as long as i know it..." I said and felt myself blush, i souded like a crazed fan just then!

"Oh yeah... I remember." Andy facepalmed.

"Ok, how about we throw you in the deep end and go with the Legacy?" CC said, i knew he was going to choose that one because it was the best one for drums!

"Let me guess, you wanna do your drummy-thingy!" I said like i child. CC grinned widely and nodded.

"For someone who's only properly known us for about 3 and a half weeks, you sure know us well." He chuckled.

"What can i say, it's a gift, now, lets get rockin'!" I shouted and they all grinned at me.

CC started his drumming and the guitars followed, it was amazing, Andy was sitting on the couch, i was in front of him, CC was over by the kitchen, and Jake and Jinxx were scattered in between, it wasn't the ideal place to practice but we managed...

"Fuck! You're amazing at screaming! You're just as good as Andy, you should so be in a band Ray." Ashley chuckled when we had stopped playing.

I laughed, "Thanks Ash, i would form a band if i had anyone to form one with." I sighed and looked down at my feet.

"Andy, can we have a band meeting for a sec?" Jake asked suddenly springing into more life, could you get more lively after just playing the Legacy?!

"Yeah sure, wait here Ray." Andy said and kissed me on the head.

"Kk, i'll be here." I replied and sat on the couch.

I wondered what Jake had planned...

Andy's POV

We went to the back room for a band meeting, what the fuck was Jake up to?!

"What you got Jake?" I asked him.

"I was thinking. Since Sandra left, we've lost the touch of a female, no offence CC." He smirked.

"None take-HEY!" CC whined and hit Jake on the arm.

"I know where you're going with this." I smirked, getting it.

"So you planning on telling us then Andy?" Jinxx beckoned and everyone loooked at me, Jake was smiling hopefully.

"Jake's idea is to let Ray join the band." I said in a 'duh' tone.

"How the fuck is that supposed to work?!" Ash asked.

"Well Jake?" I sighed everyone turned to look at Jake.

"She could be a second bassist, back up singer, she's got a pretty low voice, or she could sing in some songs. I dunno, it's first thing in the morning and i only just come up with this gimme a break guys, i don't do all the thinking around here, that's Jinxx and Andy's game!" Jake whined, i thought about it for a moment, that would be awesome, having a girl in the band again. But Ash may have something to say about her becoming a second bassist, but a part from that, i didn't mind her singing back up, or lead on some songs for that matter.

"Ok, Ash how do you feel about Jake's second bassist idea?" I asked him.

"I'm totally cool with it. As long as i still get most of the work." He smirked.

"You'll get equal work dickweed." I rolled my eyes.

"Ugh, fine, that'd be awesome." He smiled.

"And i think it'd be totally cool if she was a second singer." I said and joined Ashley's grin.

"Ok, let's go tell her the news!" Jinxx said excitedly and flailed his arms as we all left the room.

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