Chapter 25-Synyster findings...

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Syn's POV

I looked down at her and she was about to pass out. then i caught a glimpe of the fresh cut she had made on her arm. Then i noticed how deep it was.

"Fuck." I breathed.

"What?" Matt asked, then he looked down and gasped.

"We need to get her to a hospital." I said, starting to panic.

"What's going on?" Andy asked, trying to push past everyone.

"Andy stay back." I demanded.

"Why, what's going on?" He asked.

I looked down at the girl who had now passed out in mine and Matt's arms.

"Somebody help here!" Matt called and the girls came running over.

"Holy fuck... Lie her down here." Sammi said and pointed to one of the benches.

I carried her bridal style over to the bench and layed her head down carefully.

"Where's Danny?" Zacky asked.

We all turned around and sure enough, he was gone.

"Someone go find him." I said.

I looked at Andy and he was staring at Ray.

"I'll do it." He growled.

"No Andy, you need to stay here and help me with Ray." I said.

"I'll go." Jayy interuppted.

"Me too." Dahvie, Johnny, Zacky, Jake and CC agreed and spread out across the church.

I tapped Ray's cheek a few times.


"Ray speak to me hun!" Sammi called.

Still nothing.

"Someone phone for paramedics." Matt demanded.

"On it!" Jinxx called and put his phone to his ear.

Within 15 minues, an ambulance was here and taking Ray to the hospital, Andy was with her.

Sammi's POV

We had gotten so close since Ray moved here. She was so nice and down to Earth.

"I hope she's gunna be ok, that cut must have been about half an inch deep." I moped.

I sat on the floor, resting my back on one of the benches.

"She's gunna be fine babe." Jinxx told me.

He was crouched down in front of me, smiling slighlty. It was so unconvincing.

"I don't know what to do Jinxx." I cried into my hands.

I felt him rub my arm soothingly.

"It's ok, i know you two are really goood friends and everything, but just don't think about it ok?" He replied with a calm voice.

"I FOUND HIM!" Jayy yelled and then we heard a gunshot.

This couldn't be happening.

Girls, stay here with Andy's parents!" Jake called.

"Wait here." Jinxx whispered to me. I nodded and watched as he left. 

Everyone else ran to where the gunshot came from and me, Ella, Lacey, Michelle and Gena stayed with Amy and Chris. No one said a word.

We just waited for the calls of sirens in the distance to sort all of this out...

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