Chapter 17-Contractions and early labour

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Ray's POV

*7 months later*

Graduation was shit... Nothing exiting really happened. The dance was better, but it had shitty music. Way too mainstream. Andy and I had moved into an apartment together and 4 months later, here we are...

I let out an ear-splintering screamed. My stomach was huge, i was 8 months pregnant and having contractions.

"But-but it's too early!" Andy cried, still trying his best to calm me down.

"ANDY!" I screamed.

"What should i do?!" He cried again.

He got me onto the couch and lied me down. He knew that i had been having really bad pains for  a couple of weeks now, but never this bad.

 "ANDY HELP ME!" I screamed in agony once more.

"Ok, ambulance, then the guys." He said, whipping out his phone. "Hi, i need an ambulance, my fiance's having early contractions." He started. He gave them his address and thanked them, then he hung up and phoned Jinxx. "Hey Jinxx, come to my house, phone the others too and get them here." He started, waiting for the reply. "Yeah, phone Syn and the rest of A7x too and my parents and Ray's mom, i'll explain when i get there, bye." He put the phone down on the coffee table as a tear fell down his cheek.

"Andy, come here." I whispered through the pain. He knelt down next to me and i stroked his now short hair. "It'll be fine, i'll be fine, just stay calm."

"But what if it's not, what if loose you both. I know that baby's not mine but i'm going to treat her like she is. I love you both so much." He kissed my hand that he was holding. 

"You won't loose me. I'm obviously stronger than you think. I'll make it for you." I smiled slightly.

Then there was a frantic knock on the door.

"It's open!" Andy shouted and footsteps could be heard coming towards us.

"Shit what's going on?!" Ash asked.

"Ray's having contractions, it's too early!" Andy whimpered.

"Crap, you phoned for paramedics?" Jake asked just as Avenged Sevenfold ran into the living room.

"Wh-woah shit." Syn grimaced as i let out another agonizing scream.

"Andy it hurts." I whimpered.

"It's ok baby. Like i said before, you'll be fine." Andy reasured me.

A/N: awkward moment when your now listening to Lullaby by Nickelback. This is really inapropriate... I always cry :,(

The paramedics got here about 15 minutes later. I was in serious agony at this point and Andy was panicing again. They put me on a gurney and got me in the ambulance.

Andy's POV

"Andy!" Ray cried.

"Please can i go with her?" I pleaded to a paramedic.

"Are you married?" She asked.

"No, i'm her fiance, please let me go with her." I was crying now.

"Ok, get in." She nodded.

I got in and held Ray's hand tightly.

"It's gunna be ok. I promise." I held her hand up to my forehead and prayed for it to be ok. I know i'm not religous but i just hoped that someone was watching over her, making sure she was ok.

We got to the hospital and everyone was crowding round Ray, that was bad, she had serious claustrophobia. I'm surprised she wasn't that bad in the tour bus.

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