~ Chapter 15 ~

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"How is the food?" Judith glanced up as an older man approached the table and she nodded. The food was excellent, and she told the man such. Her favorite wasn't Mexican food, but she never had dishes like what was presented to her, so her opinion was slowly changing.

"Feliz," Angel said, standing up to shake the man's hand. "Let me introduce Judith Queen, writer extraordinaire."

"Oh, stop Angel," she waved off the compliments but the blush on her cheeks told everyone how she was pleased with his words.

"Ah, the lovely woman who wrote the book, I see. Angel talked nonstop about it, I hope you know," Feliz told her. "He convinced my wife to go out and buy it, and she couldn't put it down. And believe me, my wife is not a romance reader."

"Well, I'm truly honored she enjoyed it. It makes my day if I can convert someone," she replied, causing them to all laugh. It was the truth though. Romance was a hard genre for many reasons. When you told people that's what you wrote, their minds went to smut, and though sex was in her stories, it flowed, it helped the story, it didn't hinder it. It was also a hard balance to try and find a good amount by not going overboard. Her love though was the fight, the obstacles always leading up to those scenes. She never added anything 'just because'.

"I do hope you keep this man in his place too, Ms. Queen. Angel can be a bit reckless if you let him."

"Oh what nonsense, don't go spreading lies when it's not true," Angel said, taking his seat once more. Feliz laughed and then slapped Angel on the back.

"He's like a second son to me. His father and I go way back. I knew this little boy when he was running around the house in diapers, although he always took them off, so he was more naked than clothed." Judith covered her mouth as she laughed at the image. She almost claimed he would probably enjoy it now just as much if she wasn't around.

"Feliz!" Angel hissed, but the damage was done. Judith just looked at him and shrugged. These were the stories she longed to hear from his mom, his dad, hell, and anyone in his family that was willing to share.

"What?" Feliz waved him off. "Don't be crazy, she's going to hear it sooner or later. Now, you two finish and find me before you leave." Angel watched the man walk off and shook his head.

"I'm really debating now if I want you to meet the rest of my family, I'm slightly worried about what they might tell you."

"Would it make you feel better that my family would be just as open and when you talk to them, you'll find that out?" Judith paused with the glass halfway to her mouth. Now, why would she say that? She had no intention of sharing phone calls back home, not with him. But, yet again, things were happening, and she had no means to stop it. In fact, looking at it, she kind of enjoyed the thought, and once more, she didn't want to question it. She might be WANTING to move things slowly, but fate was sure dealing her a different hand. And fate, and her heart, it seemed, were working together.


"Are you all right?" Judith turned her gaze from the starry sky to look at Angel. She was okay, but she was lost in her thoughts. They didn't get a chance to say goodbye to his mom, and she couldn't explain why that disappointed her so much, other than the fact she rather liked talking to his mom. But before she could answer, someone rang the doorbell. Angel frowned as he stood up from the deck chair and walked inside the house. Judith turned her gaze upward again, smiling at the simple joy of looking at the stars and hearing the waves crash.

"Ah, enjoying the view." Judith snapped her head around and smiled at his mom who was walking over to hug her. "I'm sorry I didn't get to say bye, Feliz needed me to do some stuff and I got lost in there. He finally had to kick me out and I realized you had left."

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