~ Chapter 16 ~

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"He's, uh," she paused, her face turning back to the phone in her hand. "He's my friend, and this is his home. He's also the actor in the movie." She was silently hoping they would drop it, but she knew her family. They had a bone, and they were going to chew on it till they got the answers they wanted, and what she just gave them was far too vague for their tastes. "Listen, guys, I love the call..."

"Oh no you don't, sister of mine," Justin said, the twinkle in his eye letting her know that she was about to get drilled. She glanced back at Angel who only shrugged, but the smirk tilting up his lips did nothing to disguise his innocence. Oh, he was going to pay for that one, she vowed to herself.

"Nothing to tell, Justin. Can you please just let it go?"

"Getting it on with someone from the set? Can you do that as the writer?" Judith ran a hand over her face before reaching behind her to smack Angel, who was cracking up at the question. "For real, isn't that seen like giving favoritism or some shit?"

"Oh my God, Justin! Can you really not go there?"

"What, it's a legit question."

"No, it's not, and yes, I can, not that it's any of your damn business. Now can I call you back later on, like when I'm back at my apartment?"

"Oh, and alone?" Justin asked, causing her mom to push her way back on the screen.

"Why be alone when you got a hunk back there?" her mom asked, causing Judith to groan. God damn, who were these people? She missed phone calls and now everyone was just coming at her. She never should have picked up her phone!

"Oh my...no, just let it go. I love you and will talk to you all later." Before anyone else could push their way in or say something else, she disconnected the call and shoved her phone in her pocket, glaring at the man who was still laughing.

"Oh, hell, I like your family, they're great."

"Shut up," she mumbled. Really, they were. But they were curious, and they wouldn't leave her alone. And she didn't know what to say. She didn't come out here for a fling, but that sure seemed to be what was happening, regardless of what she fucking said or not!

"Hey, your family is just protective, and it's a good thing. Seems like you haven't told them too much."

"Not about you or about anything. Really, when I get home, I hit the bath, watch about twenty minutes of TV, and I'm out in bed. I wasn't sure what I thought it would be like when I came out here, but grueling hours sure didn't seem like it."

"So of course, they're concerned. You don't give them anything. And it's not like you just got out here, you know." Judith rolled her eyes at him. She knew, she really did. But by the time she was watching the TV, she didn't have the mental energy it took to talk to her family. She wasn't sure what she thought when she heard the words "your book into a movie" but 16- and 17-hours a day were not it. In fact, if she had known that she might have just said do what you will, that's too much work.

Hell, for her, sitting at her desk, working on her computer was better than sitting in a chair, watching them re-do a scene over and over for the littlest of things. It was also easier to fight with the characters in her head and on paper than fight with real humans who really didn't want to listen to her. She couldn't say it wasn't flattering to see so much effort go into a piece that was her pride and joy, because it was, but damn, the headaches were something she wasn't thinking would happen or that she was expecting. So, yeah, by the end of the day, she was past mentally drained.

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