You didn't deserve it...(Mike)

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UPDATE! WOOP WOOP! Uh, you may want a tissue, depending on how well you can deal with this sort of like..thing. This topic, rather, I think is a better term...anyway, I'm just mumbling on so, I'm going to let you guys read on and please vote & comment and if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message me :>
Mike's POV~
I laid awake that night. The night before our first wedding anniversary. My wife, (y/n) was sleeping very peacefully beside me. It was one of few peaceful sleeps she's had. But I...I couldn't sleep. There was something from the past that was forever digging at me. It made me feel hollow and hurt. We were teenagers, me and (y/n). I remember that one night. The night I thought that was it, I'm going to give all of myself to her and she can do the same to me. I was ready. I was so so ready. I cleaned my house from top to bottom, cooked food, the place looked wonderful. I thought, at the time, since I'm her first boyfriend, I'll make an effort. I wanted her to know I really cared.

She rang the doorbell causing my nerves to go shooting through the roof, but I was so happy to see her. When I opened the door, I ask most forgot how beautiful she was.

After sitting down and eating dinner, I offered to take her upstairs and watch a movie in my room. Of course,she didn't think anything of it and went up with me. My heart by then we racing so fast I could hear it beat over my own voice.
"Here" I said to her, handing her some of the blankets. She looked so relaxed and happy so I decided this was the best moment. After popping the film into the tv, I looked at her. She gazed back and smiled and that's when I leaned in and kissed her.

After about five minutes, the kiss got a little heated and I found myself pulling her onto of me. My hand gently pulled on the hem of her shirt-
"STOP!" She screamed, shuffling away from me and burying her head in her hands. "Please don't do that Mike." She cried. I was speechless. She'd never acted that way around me before...ever.
"Babe, what's...what's wrong?" I got closer to her but she turned her head away from me, not even being able to look me in the eye. I could see on her cheek the amount of eye makeup that was running down her face. "Baby, look at me." I held her face in my direction and she looked up at me, her eyes all red from the crying. I'd never seen her so upset in all the time I'd known her. It physically pained me to see her like that. "What happened?" I asked her. She bit her lip trying to hold back her tears.
"I lied.." She confessed. My heart sank. The girl of my dreams, the girl I loved more than anything...lied to me?
"About what?" I asked. The silence was unbearable. "Babe, please-" I begged.
"I lied about...never having a boyfriend...before you." She looked down at her hands, clearly disgusted in herself.
"But-but why?" I asked, softly, careful not to frighten her.
"I just wanted to forget." I could hear the pain in her voice. Something had happened to her and I needed to know, regardless of how long it took.
"F-forget what?" I held her hands, making sure she knew it was okay to speak to me about things.
She looked up at me, "He..." Her eyes filled with more tears and she bowed her head to cover her tears from me. "He hurt me." She whispered. I held her hands a little tighter.
"Babe, it's okay, honestly, everyone has to go through a break up, it's part of life-"
"No." She cried even more, shaking her head. Her hands gripped mine tighter and she hesitated before looking up at me. "He hurt me." She said in a more serious tone. From that moment on I knew whoever this guy was wasn't just a one time thing that died and she was upset...
"No." I begged, shaking my head, trying not to believe someone could do that. The tears built up in my eyes so quick it hurt.
"Yes, Mike." (Y/n) whispered. I tried to hold back the tears but it didn't work. Nothing would stop them from coming.
"How?" I mumbled through the tears. (Y/n) sat up straight and dried her eyes with her sleeves.
"He um...we went to a party, an old friend's garden party. It was pretty much like that every other week. So, we would get drunk together and just have good fun. But this time, was different." She choked. My heart raced. I could see just how hurt she was from her eyes. "He had one too many to drink and...he wanted me..." She said quieter. "And I-" she started to cry again. I leaned forward, arms open wide. "I couldn't stop him." She cried as I embraced her into my arms.

We both sat there for hours, crying. Sometimes she would apologise but she had nothing to be sorry for. When we gathered ourselves up, all puffy and choked from the tears, I kissed her forehead and told her,
"You're the most beautiful person I've ever laid eyes on. There is not one bone in your body that deserved any of that. Whoever he is, will get what's coming to him. I don't know who he is or what happened during your relationship with him but we will get through this. Darling you'll be okay. You're safe now. I promise."

After that night, we got stronger together. I got to see the broken side of her and I got to help her build herself back up. Occasionally she has reoccurring nightmares but I always help her through them. I won't let her, or our baby, get hurt. Ever.

I think I might need a tissue. It's late y'all, time to sleep, sweet dreams

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