Warning: ranting so hard i broke the S on my keyboard.

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Okay guys,
So I'm about to have a rant. Boil your kettle, go comfy and fasten your seat belts.
What kind of crazy, ass wiping prick has the nerve, the audacity to go and try and undo, who I thought was my friends bra with his teeth?

"But AllDayDarkness, that's not that bad".

It's not that bad? Well let's sit your little cute ass down and tell you why it is bad, okay? The dude is my ex. And he liked this gurl before, during and after we ended whatever it was that we were because oh trust me honey, that was not a relationship. Now, don't get me wrong, we should all love each other and be mushy and mwah mwah but foR GOODNESS SAKE. DONT I MATTER?! DONT MY FEELS MATTER?
And what else was that his friend, who is like so not my type, had the idea that it was acceptable to 'talk' to me and my best friend and then chose which one he liked better. Ha!
And you know what tipped it over the edge? You know what dropped the sweet, delicious cherry on top of that shitty ass cake? Was that I just laughed. Me. Laughed.
Okay ladies, men, both, neither, listen up okay? Because you're about to get the mother-fudging lesson of a life time, okay?

Don't you ever, EVER, let anyone make you their second choice, okay? And don't you ever let people fool you into thinking they can give you everything you want and need. The only person you need to rely on is YOU (and me to post imagines <3 love you bby :') ) you are worth wayyyy more than 2nd place, okay? You know what? Next time a guy or girl is stuck between you and another person, tell them to pick the second one. Because if they really wanted you, if they really loved you, they wouldn't even THINK about laying eyes on another soul, okay?
YOU DESERVE 1ST MOTHER-FUDGING PLACE, OKAY? And I tell you what haters, cheaters, f*ckboys, THOT's, we are done, okay? WE ARE DONE BEING YOUR SECOND CHOICE, YOUR 'LAST RESORT'
I will wait for my Prince Charming. I will wait for the one who will call me at 3 am just to hear my voice.
So go ahead :) like her picture on Instagram. Comment the cute cat emoji with the love heart eyes. It only takes you to mess up once because when you mess up once, that's it. I'm out. You ain't ever gon' see this bomb ass hottie again. Bye bye.

Rant over.


P.S. Apologies for late requests, I've got writers block ah. *runs and hides*

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