Love is overrated

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"Love is just so overrated now days, you know?"
"Yeah, I agree. All this stuff about it has to be more than two months for it to be love and all that making it official on social media crap is just annoying." You replied, waving your hands in the air as you and Vic lay there watching the stars at night.
"Ugh tell me about it. I mean, don't get me wrong, the taking pictures and going on dates and playing video games and all that is great but I think people are missing the point..." Vic explained. You sat up and popped yourself on your left elbow, almost leaning over Vic.
"And what do you think the point is?" You asked, your hair draping down by your face.
"I think the point of love is allowing someone to completely and utterly destroy you but trusting them enough not to. Love is a raw, endless fire between two people...a connection. A connection so strong that it is most likely unbreakable." Vic said, pushing your hair behind your ears. "What do you think?" He asked.
"I think...I think love is what you make it." You whispered. You both paused, gazing into each other's eyes as if they were more interesting than the stars.
"Marry me." Vic said.
"What?" You chuckled.
"Marry me." He repeated.
"Vic, you can't just ask me to marry you-"
"Who says I can't? And anyway, who said I was asking?" He asked, seeming more serious than you anticipated.
"So you demand I marry you?" You laughed. "Victor, if it were that simple now days, I'd marry you tomorrow, but it's not. And besides, we're not even together."
"So?" Vic asked, "who cares? In the old days, people, people like us used to meet and knew from the moment they'd met, they'd spend the rest of their lives together." Vic stood up, pulling you up with him.
"Okay so I'll get a lovely white dress, oh-not too big because you know I hate all that big puffy shit. And we'll have a cute buffet and my entire family can come from all over the world to the wedding and Mike can be best man and then we can wake up the next morning like nothing even happened, right?" You said.
You both paused and laughed at the thought of all the marriage topics.
"You're so silly." He laughed, cuddling Vic. You both paused. Vic noticed a change in you. You suddenly thought about marrying Vic, and what he could bring to your life; happiness, love, kindness, a home, a family..."I- I will" you said. Even though you had thought of those things, you also thought of how Vic made you feel. He always made you smile, always looked after you, always picked you up when you were down. You realised you'd do the same for him and much more. You realised that you loved him.
"What?" Vic asked.
"I'll marry you."
"Really?" He gasped.
"Yes." You laughed.
"Why?" He asked. You stroked his cheek, looking down at his lips and then looking back up into his eyes.
"Because I just realised that I've given you the power for so long...the power to utterly and completely destroy me and yet...I will always trust you not to." You whispered, kissing him softly.


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