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Chapter Thirty Five - A Nuclear Missile

"The problem we have with tracking Cipher is there's nothing to trace" Ramsey told everyone "But now we have Rhode's information"

"And we're getting snapshots of his data before it's scrubbed off the net" Tej added.

Roman then began to mumble "That looks like somebody's bank account, so why don't we just go ahead and-"

"Rome, I love you and all but can you just shut up for a second and, it's longitude" Brian cut him off.

"So given the fact that Saph hit a Russian motorcade, it's safe to say it's Russia so bring up the map and let's run the possibilities" Dom told Ramsey and Tej.

"Yalta, Poltava" Tej frowned "Looks like they just threw letters together. Konyurt"

"It's Vladupi" Mr Nobody corrected, scaring Roman as the man just appeared out of nowhere again.

"What are you doing here?" Little Nobody asked, slightly annoyed.

"Thought I would check in on you from time to time, to see how you're doing. By the way, not so hot" Mr Nobody said.

Ramsey looked over at Mr Nobody "But there's nothing in Vadovin. It's just ice"

"That's funny. Could've sworn there was a secret Russian naval base with the retrophilic cold war submarines. Well, technically, its not Russian anymore. Base was taken by a terror group of military separatists about a month ago, and the Russian's have yet to take it back. So, there is a little window of opportunity here" Mr Nobody replied.

"Russian submarines, nuclear football" Roman went on "It sounds like everything we do, our legs are gonna be blown off "

"It sounds like you still number eleven on the list"
Tej retorted.

Roman sent him a glare "It sounds like you've changed since your little punk ass facial hairs came in"

"Can you two just go a day without arguing?" Letty asked, an amusing expression on her face.

Little Nobody gained everyone's attention "Guys, guys. We gotta call this in, all the way up the chain"

"That's good thinking, champ" Mr Nobody walked over to him "Except unfortunately, the Russian Minister of Defence got himself involved in a little incident of US territory and the two governments aren't talking to each other for a while. By the time they do, it'll be too late. So, any other suggestions?"

"Well like Saph would say, let's just stop them ourselves" Letty spoke again.

"You're talking about a Russian military base" Little Nobody looked at everyone like they were crazy.

"Separatist" Mr Nobody quickly corrected him.

"Whatever" The trainee kid looked over at him "It's suicide"

"And stopping World War three. So what's it gonna be rook? You gonna close your eyes on this one too? Pray that the apocalypse doesn't come knocking on your mama's front door?" Hobbs asked.

"Or are you gonna saddle up, be a man and save the entire goddamn world?" Brian finished as he leant against the railing of the stairs.

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