Just a Dream [Third Life] (Hurt/comfort){Flowerhusbands}

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This is only my third flowerhusbands oneshot? How?

The idea is about how Jimmy had mentioned "-And they're going to sacrifice, and I don't want that." (Idk if that's the exact words) when Ren and Martyn asked about an allyship

Also, for the red winter axe, I used * as the skulls, as I didn't know how to make them.

Anyways, enjoy!


"Scott! Martyn- Martyn let me go! Scott! Scott!" Jimmy pushed against the green name's arms, but Martyn was surprisingly strong. "Ren- Ren I swear to the watchers, put that axe down!!!"

"Do you regret your decision now, me laddie?" Ren glared towards the other red name.

"Please... Please- BigB, why aren't you stopping him!? Why are you letting this happen!?"

"Jim, they are my allies." BigB stated, "You are the ones who made the wrong decisions."

"B, just let go of Scott! Please- I- Please- Impulse? S-Skizz?"

The boys just shook their heads.

"Now, shall we start, me hand?"

"Of course, my liege." Martyn nodded while answering.

Smajor1995 was slain by Renthedog using [***RedWinterIsComing***]

The boy's eyes now showed yellow as he respawned at a bed nearby. Skizz grabbed the boy's arms, forcing him back to the stone pedestal. "S-Scott..."

"Jimmy- Jim, I'm fine-" Scott stared back with pained eyes.

"No- No, Scott, they are killing you! I can't do anything- I told you this would happen!!!"


Smajor1995 was slain by Renthedog using [***RedWinterIsComing***]

"Me hand, would you like to do the honours of taking the first life on the wretched server?"

Martyn let go of Jimmy, letting the grey skinned red life fall to the stone. The diamond axe stained with blood was passed to the blonde. Skizz held Scott off to the side, BigB now holding down Jimmy. Martyn stepped in front of the red life, crouching down.

"Too bad it has to end this way, Tim. It really is a shame." A smirk was on Martyn's face.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Martyn!? I thought we were friends- we were!"

"Well- You had two opportunities to make the right choice. First, you stayed with Scott when you could have just joined me with Ren. Then you burnt our banner! What's so special about Scott anyways!?"

"I love him!" Jimmy yelled, "A-and I always will, even if you kill me!"

"Wrong choice." Martyn stood back up, the axe in his hand, "I've gotten quiet experience with this axe. I think this will be fun."


SolidarityGaming was slain by InTheLittleWoods using [***RedWinterIsComing***]

He shot up from bed, breath painfully quick. He slipped out of bed, tears pricking at his eyes. The red life rushed out of his building, glancing across the lake.


His feet carried him quickly. Each thud seemed like another second that something bad could happen in.

The door slammed out.

"Jimmy? You are alright, sunflower?"

Scott stood from whatever he was doing, walking over to the tense red life. "Love, what happened? Is our wall burning again?"

The green life was surprised as Jimmy just pulled him into a tight hug. "I- I don't want you to die... Please..." Jimmy muttered.

"Bad dream?"

"I- I don't know- I watched as they killed you- Why won't anyone help- Not even Impulse!?"

"The red army..." Scott mumbled, "Jimmy. That was a dream, I promise you that, I'm still alive. I'm here, aren't I?"

"It was all so real-"

"But it wasn't. I'm not going to leave you." Scott stated.

"Petal, I saw them kill you... Sacrificing you- I told you it would happen-"

"Jim! Calm down, sweetheart." Scott placed a hand on Jimmy's cheek, wiping away a few tears with his thumb. Scott slowly led the blonde over to a bed, the two of them sitting down. "Sunflower, don't worry. I'm not going to die."


"Shush... Calm down... It'll all be alright."

Jimmy laid down, resting his head onto Scott's lap, the teal haired boy running his fingers through the blonde strands. "I- I love you...."

"I love you too."

(568 words)

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