So Close [HC 7] (Angst|Hurt/comfort) {ConVex}

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Angst woooooooo! This is ConVex (Scar and Cub), can be viewed as platonic or romantic.

This was requested, but the person wants to stay anonymous. They requested for suicide attempt angst/hurt/comfort


Suicide attempt


I could fall...

I could fall...

I could fall...

I could fall.

I could fall.

I could fall.

His steps got closer to the edge. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. It was a long drop, it really was. He could just...

He stepped back for a moment. Was he really going to do this..? It was his only chance. It was all so painful. He loved his friends- his life, he really did... He always questioned; why did he want to die?

His life was perfect, yet he just hated everything about himself. He just wanted to die. To finally stop bothering his 'friends'.

Grian wouldn't have to worry about Scar crashing into things. Grian wouldn't have to worry about Scar falling to his death if he already did.

'Scar no' was a comment phrase. Nobody would shout it at him when he was dead.

He took a step closer once again, his feet at the very edge. He could fall...

And he slipped.

Cubfan sighed, continuing his way towards the wonderfully crafted mega base. Xisuma had suggested to the convex to keep an eye on Scar. With the temporary permadeath glitch, X was a bit worried Scar would do something dumb and fly into a wall or something. Very common with Scar, but now his silly mistakes could cost a life. Normally, Xisuma would instruct Grian to watch the brunette nowadays, but X needed to make sure Grian was safe, so the brit was placed under watch of Mumbo.

All of this meant that Cub was supposed to make sure Scar was alright.

Cub had left for a bit, assuming Scar would be alright since he had told the other convex to stay inside. There had been death notifications, so that was good...

Cub squinted at what he could see in the distance. Something... falling..? No mob would willingly walk off a cliff. And Scar would have no reason to push mobs off, at least not while anyone was around...

So, what could it be..?

It finally hit him.


He was too far, he couldn't get there fast enough with elytra, even when rocket spamming. With elytra...

He promised himself he wouldn't- but he had to for Scar. Cub pushed off his elytra, beginning a sprint to get speed. Spiney vex wings soon carried him, with a spam of rockets to propel him quickly.

Could he make it...

Scar was so close to the ground...

Finally, the vex grabbed the falling hermit. He now needed to slow down.

Six- four hearts. Two hearts.

Cub rolled to halt after crashing into the near wall, Scar in his arms. Everything hurt, but all he cared about was Scar.

"S-Scar, what the hell were you doing!?" Cub winced as he moved to let Scar go.


"Where are your elytra...? Didn't I tell you to stay inside!?" Cub didn't seem angry -not at Scar at least- just worried. And in pain.

"Cub, y-your bleeding pretty bad... How low did you get?" Scar was shaking as he helped Cub to lean against the stone wall.

"T-two hearts... But that doesn't matter. What matters is you. Why the hell were you falling without elytra?"

Tear flowed down Scar's face as he spoke, "T-this was my only chance... It got too p-painful- I don't know why!? I don't understand why I can't just want to live- like everyone else! I- I'm- I'm sorry..."

"You don't need to apologize for that." Cub hissed in pain as he attempted to move, "W-we care about you Scar... Do you not understand that? If you need to talk about anything -especially if it could harm you- please say something..."

"Cub, stop trying to move, you're just hurting yourself more..." Scar pleaded, "Sh-should I message X..?"

"Probably... You said I was bleeding pretty bad?" Cub turned his head to try to look to his back, but Scar quickly stopped him.

"It's pretty... horrifying? I suggest you don't look." Scar mentioned, before mumbling, "W-why do you have your vex wings out..?"

"Elytra was going to be too slow. I promised I wouldn't, I know, but if I didn't you would be dead." Cub sighed, glancing to the brunette's face. It was stained with tears. "Come 'ere..." Cub opened his arms, the brunette scooching closer. The vex pulled the older into a hug, Scar burying his head into the other's shoulder. Tears soaked into the normally white -currently red- shirt.

"It's going to be alright... I'm here..."

"B-but- If you die, it's going to be my fault-"

"I'm not going to die. I'll be fine."

"I- I'm the r-reason you had to bring out your v-vex wings!"

"I did it for you, yes. That's because I care about your life more than some promise we made... And- hey, it was for something good..."

"I- I'm sorry, Cub..."

"There is no reason for you to apologize. Your life is more valuable than anything."


"Shhhhh... You're alright. I'll protect you."

(785 words)

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