31. Concert interruptus: part 1

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"Absolutely nothing." Mom says.

The town were holding a charity rummage sale and mom had volunteered to help run it and so we we had to donate stuff. Mom was looking through her closet to see if she had any clothes to donate.

"Oh, come on." Rory moans

"I'm sorry. I'm looking. But there is nothing in here." Mom states

"Oh, you're kidding, right?" I ask her

"No. Everything in here I wear."


"I would get up but I have just gotten comfortable so I'm not." I tell them both.

"I'll get up. The red and black halter top?" Rory asks

"Oh, no." Mom says


"Uh, it's classic." Mom explains

"It's got rhinestones and zebra stripes on it." Rory tells her


"It's has tassels, mom." I say and laugh

"Okay, I've had this since I was 17." Mom starts

"I'm sorry. Did I mention the tassels?" I question

"You are heartless and unsentimental." Mom tells me

"And you are a hopeless pack rat." Rory tells her

"I don't understand why I have to uproot my family of clothing." Mom states

"Because it's a charity rummage sale." Rory begins

"I know."

"That you helped organise and volunteered to run." I finish

"It was very very hot that day. I was dehydrated. They could have talked me into anything." Mom explains

"It was your idea." I point out

"Okay. I'm a very sick woman, and that should be apparent to anyone."

"Okay, Rory can you help me get up." I ask and she gets my hands and help me get up. My bump is big now and it still has to get double as big. "Mom, get out of the way."

"What are you doing?" Mom asks me

"Step away from the closet, please." I plead as mom stands in the way on purpose.

"Ohh! This is so unfair!" Mom starts. "Oh, no, no, no. Not that whole chunk! Okay, take that. That's ugly. Just that one. No."

"Okay, now, all of this goes. I want you to come over to this dresser, open up the top drawer, take out everything that you'd be embarrassed to wear during a car accident. Meet me downstairs." I command mom and she just stares at me. "Move!"

"Sweater." I call out to lane and Rory.

"Over here." Lane says and I throw it to her.


"Behind you." Rory tells me

"A big, furry, purple thing that could either be a hat, a toilet paper cover, or some kind of dirty hand puppet." I say

"Mystery Box on the Left."

"Hey." Luke says as he walks into the living room.

"Hey, Luke." I greet

"Where do you want these?" He questions

"What do you have?"

"Clothes, rags, and old pots and pans." He replies

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