69. The bracebridge dinner

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"I can't believe this is their first time seeing snow." I tell Tristan.

Me, Tristan, Charlie and Mia were sat in a bench by the gazebo.

Mom and Rory were making a snow man in front of us for a competition. The snowman's head was lopsided though.

"I know. And I don't think they like it either." Tristan laughs as we remember Charlie and Mia crying earlier at the snow.

"It's crazy how they are growing up, isn't it?" I ask Tristan, breaking a comfort silence.

"It is. I mean I remember when they were so small that they would fit in one palm." Tristan laughs

"It's not like that anymore." I join in laughing.

"Would you like anymore?" Tristan questions awkwardly.

"Anymore what?" I ask back


"I guess, yeah. I mean, after we've gotten married and the girls have grown up a bit more and we've settled down. Yeah, I would like to." I answer honestly. "You?"

"Same. As Long as It's with you." Tristan kisses my temples and I rest a head on his shoulder.

"A boy this time though. I love having girls but I kinda want a boy." I admit

"Me too." Tristan agrees.

I look up at him and kiss him.

"Alright love birds, we are going to get coffee. Would you like some?" Mom asks me and Tristan.

"Yes please." Me and Tristan reply.

I rest my head back on his shoulder and look at our girls who were sleeping peacefully.

Me, mom, Tristan, Rory and the girls were all at grandma and grandpas for dinner.

Tristan decided to come with as we were going to tell grandma and grandpa that we had got engaged.

At the moment, there was an awkward silence. Rory clears her throat until Tristan decided to speak up.

"Thank you Richard, Emily, for allowing me to come tonight."

"Your welcome Tristan, it's always a pleasure having you here." Grandma smiles at him.

Another awkward silence fills the room.

"So, what are your travel plans, dad?" Mom asks grandpa.


"You and mom always go out of town this time of year." Mom explains

"Last year it was ten Bahamas." Rory points out

"Yes, that's right, it was." Grandpa remembers

"I remember you had fun too. You said the bahamamians were real nice. The bahamites? The bahamamamanians?" Mom questions herself

"The Bahamians." I correct her

"Yes, they were nice."

"They were nice." Grandma confirms

"So... What are your plans?" Mom repeats, getting back to her original question.

"We're not going anywhere this year." Grandma reveals

"Why not?" Rory asks and grandma gestures to grandpa.

"Oh, well, yeah, it can be really nice just to stay at home, sometimes. Because you can do fun things that you normally wouldn't have time for." I state, but really knowing where I was going with the statement.

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