Old Traditions, New friends

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"Woooh! Birthday shots!" Mae cheered after pulling her door open. Immediately I was handed a shot glass full of a clear liquid. "Mae I haven't even stepped one foot into your house-"

A finger went up to my lips and a loud "Shhh" came from Mae. I was pulled into her cabin and the shot was forced into my hand.

"I'll wait for Haley to get here first. I don't want her to feel left out." I walked into her kitchen and placed the shot glass onto the counter beside many other glasses and bottles of various alcohol types.

"Someone sure is prepared..." I laughed as I browsed the many options she had. "Well I wanted it to be just like old times. Just us and many, many bottles of the cheapest brands. Best birthday celebration, right?" Mae reminisced with a smile as she stood beside me preparing a few rounds of shots.

"Haley is old enough to drink- right? If not I mean it's not like the mayor will come knocking on my door." She shrugged. "I think she's 22? I never really asked." I replied. "Well, either way we are all getting shit faced!" She exclaimed with excitement just as there was a knock at her door.

"Speak of the Blonde devil-" I pinched Mae on the arm and shot her a glare. "Don't be mean. She's a sweetheart and I want you two to be friends. It's my early birthday celebration, so just do this for me please?" Mae sighed and ruffled my hair as she agreed.

The door was pulled open once again with the sun setting in the quiet distance. "Haley! I'm so glad you could come. I know earlier you had something you needed to finish by Sunday? I hope you didn't feel obligated to come-" I started to feel bad for possibly pressuring her to come to my celebration.

"No worries, I was just about finished. Plus- I simply couldn't miss your early birthday." Haley assured as she was ushered in by Mae.

//slight adultish content(it's a drinking game with three adults so what can you expect) nothing crazy tho//

The three of us sat on the floor by Maes tv with the prepared shots in the center of us. Mae explained a few traditions to Haley, but mainly focused on the specific games we always play. Once Haley was all caught up Mae suggested we start with an easy one, Never Have I Ever.

"Alright everyone knows the rules, yes? Take a shot if you have done the thing, or don't if you haven't. Simple. I'll go first."

Mae took a few moments to contemplate before a lightbulb went off in her head,

"Never have I ever lied to a police dude."

I rolled my eyes at her and reached for one of the shots, downing it with a quick flick of my head. When I placed the glass back down I noticed Haley's shocked expression. "You lied to a police officer?" She really focused on the 'you.' "Ah yea- not anything crazy though!" I assured and she gave a skeptical look, Mae chuckled to herself.

"Oh I need to hear this story." Haley laughed and I quickly moved on, asking the next question.

"Since we want to make these targeted, Never have I ever faked an orgasm." I stuck my tongue out childishly as Mae took a shot. To both of our surprises, Haley did too. "Oh?? Do tell." Mae smirked and the blonde's face went pink. "I had a one night stand with this girl and she- we- anyways!" She cleared her throat and placed the now empty shot glass near the other two empty ones.

"Never have I ever used a fake ID." Helys question was basic, but it got Mae to take another shot.

The three of us loosened up as more questions and shots passed.

"Never have I ever..." I paused to think of a targeted question that would get both of them to drink. So far I was technically winning with the least amount of shots taken. There were only two shots left and I planned on knocking them both out with one question.

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