Charmix Power

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They walked into Faragonda's office, she had a stern look on her face and explained how the fourth codex mustn't fall into Darkar's hand or else he'd be unbeatable. Stella was having a moody day and immediately snapped at Flora when she said something. Musa immediately snapped back at her. 

Faragonda then told them that they were going on a vaction, much to everyone's confusion. She showed them a video of the wildlands, where they would be going. She said they would be leaving for the city of adquists, where she said they would buy supplies and clothing. Of course to Stella that instantly meant shopping. 

"Keep in mind the magic energy there is very low." Aerilyn immediately groaned. 

"A place without magic, how I am going to survive?!" 

"Aren't you an expert fighter?" Stella said. 

"I'd take magic over fighting any day, but I guess I'll have to pack more weapons since I won't be able to use my magic." She counted using her fingers and Faragonda contiuned to speak.

"You ought to get ready girls." 

"13." She said out loud. Everyone looked at her and chuckled. "I'm serious, I'm bringing 13 weapons." 


She walked onto the ship grumbling, Flora told her that she was limited to only one weapon to make sure she didn't 'accidently stab someone'. When she saw Diablous all the negative emotion were gone. 

"Hey there Shadow boy, didn't think you would come." Diablous smiled. 

"Well I may not be able to use my powers, but I do have quite a knowledge about the environment and how to survive."

"Figures, your planet is covered with 20 environments." 

"I didn't think you would want to come." 

"I would've if someone let me bring my 13 weapons." She said looking over at Flora who rolled her eyes. "You would've killed someone with those weapons."

"A trident wouldn't kill anyone." She turned to Diablous. "Right?" He also rolled his eyes. 

"Aerilyn you with a toothpick could kill someone."


On the way to the city, everyone was on edge with their lovers. Tecna and Musa just flat out didn't want to talk with Riven and Timmy. Bloom was getting snappy with Sky while Aerilyn, Stella, Diablous and Brandon didn't have much problems.

They arrived in a shop where Aerilyn told them to get what they wanted. "Honestly I haven't spent any of my allowance for ages, my bank account is bursting with money." 

"Thanks for calling us poor in 20 languages." Musa said chuckling. "But thanks."

"Yeah thanks Aerilyn, with your money I feel like I could buy the whole store." Stella said grabbing some clothes.

"I probably could." Diablous grabbed her hand. 

"I see a dessert shop up ahead." 

"Let's go!"

They got some tasty desserts and ate them with looking through some clothes. "You think I should get a lighter shade of black, or darker?" She took a bite of her dessert. 

"Definitely darker." He took the outfit. 

"You going to buy some stuff?"

"If they have anything white in here." She almost dropped her dessert when she saw a white outfit from afar. "Its gorgeous." She sprint over there and grabbed the outfit before a girl could even consider getting it. "Diablous isn't it pretty, we're like opposites!" He chuckled.

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