The beginning of the apocalypse

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I woke up with the sun in my face, the wind blowing my curtain, I looked around my room and see that Vixen had fallen onto the floor. I jump out of the covers and onto the wooden floor and picked up my stuffed deer. The reason behind the name is because when I first got her I thought she was a reindeer but daddy corrected me and said it was just a deer.

I walk towards the door and open to see daddy sitting on the couch.

"Daddy?" I ask walking into the living room. I see daddy watching TV, he looks up at me and opens his arms.

"Come ere' then" he says as I run and jump on his lap. "What ye wan' then" he says tickling my sides. Squealing I begin to move away from daddy's hands "stop daddy, stop" I say still laughing, he is laughing at me.

"What's all this laughing" uncle Merle says looking at me and daddy. "Daddy is tickling me uncle M" I say pouting and eyes watering.

"Damn little brother, can't ye see she only like ma tickles" Merle says picking me up from daddy's arms and tickling me. "No, uncle M, don't" I say trying to get away.

He places me on the floor and I run in to my room shutting the door. "I'll get ya one day little Meg" uncle M shouts through the door.

I sit on the floor playing with my plastic crossbow my dad got me for my birthday last year, it even came with plastic arrows with Velcro on. I set it all up and slowly walked out of my room. Slowly I walk towards daddy aiming I fire the arrow and it hits his side sticking.

"Yeah, I did it, did ye see tha' daddy" I say walking up to retrieve my arrow from daddy's hand.

"I did little one, are ye gonna be jus' like daddy when ye older?" he asks picking me up into his arms "yep I gonna be a bad butt" I say smiling

"Its ass little Meg" merle says walking around daddy and I and turning the TV channel over.

"No, it's not. Butt is fine baby" I say pointed a glare at Merle for attempting to get my daughter to swear.

"This is an emergency broadcast. A virus has begun creating cannibals are eating people, Atlanta is safe everyone go there for safety and - David what the ahhhhhhh-"

The women on the screen had a man eating her should "DAVID STO-" SHE SCREAMED as the screen cut off and the lights went out.

"Daddy! wha's going on?" I ask putting my head into his neck. He puts me on the ground "listen little one, you go to your room and pack all of your clothes into a bag, okay?" daddy said kissing me on the check as I run off. "Merle grab the weapons and gas, I'll grab clothes" daddy shouts and uncle M.

Walking into my room I grab the bag and begin to place all of my clothes and shoes into it along with Vixen daddy won at some fair game. Looking around my room painted a light blue I see a picture of me, daddy and uncle M on daddy's birthday.

Daddy is wearing the angel winged vest and uncle Merle is actually smiling whilst I am on his shoulders. I grab the photo frame and place it in my bag before zipping it up and dragging it towards daddy. I make sure that Vixen's head is out of the top so that she can breathe. "Done it daddy" I say looking up at daddy who is trying to find a channel that is working but is unsuccessful.

"Merle ye ready, we gotta go" Daddy says grabbing the two bags and taking them to the car. "Little one, I'm gonna put you in your seat okay?" daddy says picking me up and hugging me close to his chest "daddy what's goin' on?" I say as he squishes my face into his chest.

"People are no longer themselves, okay, stay by Merle and me and we'll keep ye safe, alright little one" he say smiling and kissing my head and cheek before placing me in my seat and helping uncle M with all the other stuff.

Daddy when inside when a man placed his hand on the window, growling "um, daddy's inside" I say rolling up the window. 

He starts to bang on the window harder with his bloody hand "DADDY!" I scream as the man hits the window harder "DADDY!!!" I shout trying to get out the seat. The man suddenly went down with one of daddy's arrows in his head.

"Meg" daddy says before scooping me out of my seat and placing me in his chest as I cry into his neck "little one, baby yer' okay, I'll always protect you, okay, always" he says tearing up a little bit. 

Reaching over he grabs the car seat and places it on the floor. "Why, I need my seat?" I ask looking up at daddy "well, little one if it comes down to it I don' wan' ye bein' stuck in the car and this way ye can move around freely an' run if ya need to" daddy says placing a kiss on my nose.

"Okay daddy" I say climbing into the car again but this time daddy joins sitting in the passenger seat in the front. "Come ere little one" daddy says patting his lap.

I crawl over and sit on his lap looking forward. "Merle, come on" daddy shouts out the open window."Yeah, uncle M, let's go" I shout too looking up at daddy's smile.

"I'm ere" he says sitting in the driving seat and starting the car and we drive away from the house I have lived in since I was born.

"Daddy are we ever going to go back home?" I ask looking up at him. He glances into the mirror to looking at the house I grew up in slowly disappearing into the background as we drive away.

"donno, baby but where ever the three of us are is home" he said as he plucked Vixen out of my bag and placed her in my lap.

"You mean four right daddy" I say smiling as daddy shakes his dead and looks out the front window.


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