Flashback 1 - Dixon Blues

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Meg 3 months - Daryl's POV

"DARYL!" I hear Merle shout from across the house and that brings on the cries of my little Meg. "Merle shut it" I shout back getting up to stop Megan crying.

I pick her up and hold her close to my chest as I rock her back and forth as her cries slowly stop and she is just looking up at me with her blonde hair and bright blue Dixon eyes. I watch as her eyes slowly droop before she is asleep again.

I place her back into the crib and close the door quietly "Daryl!" Merle shouts again and I freeze where I am not moving a muscle as Meg continues to sleep.

"Ah FUCK!" Merle shouts as Meg starts crying again.

I go back in and pick her up as I walk over to Merle with Meg whimpering but not fully crying.

"I got ya a babe" Merle says swigging his beer in his hand and pointing at a women wearing very little clothing.

"We got some rocks too" he says holding up a straw and smiling before turning to the other women and shoving his tongue into her mouth and moaning.

"Merle, stop get the fuck outta 'ere" I say walking away

"Wha's the matta with ya little brother" Merle slurs as his women stokes his chest. "The matta is that my 3 month old baby is righ' 'ere and y'all doin drugs and shit" I sat looking to Merle "I gotta think bout er not ya so get the fuck outta ere" I say turning around

"a'right, more for old Merle" He says as he swings his arms around the two women and walking out the door laughing.

Sighing I walk back to Meg's room and place her in her crib before walking to my own room and laying on the bed as I slip into sleep.

"Waaa" I sigh and look to the clock only 20 minutes. I walk to Meg's room and pick her up. I lift her up and sniff her bottom.

I lay her on the table and get one of her nappies and change her before dressing her back into her hunting onesie and then back into her crib. (Onesie in the pic)

Jumping on the bed and closing my eyes she starts to whimper again before crying. I stay on the bed knackered from Merle and Meg together who are going to kill me with all this need of my attention but Meg over Merle always.

Walking into Meg's room she's crying. I pick her up and make her a bottle of formula, Merle did offer one of his women who were producing milk to feed Meg but I declined no one knows what's in her body, other than Merle.

Once it has heated enough I quickly test it before feeding my girl. She sucks the bottle dry and I place her over my shoulder patting her back gently waiting for the burp.

"How's ma little girl doin'. She gonna burp and go to sleep so daddy can do" I say as she burps. I wipe her mouth of the little bit of vomit that also came up and she drops off to sleep.

I place her back into the crib for the 4th time that night and close the door but as I door she wakes and starts crying. Dropping my head I walk in again and she stops.

"Wha ye want now?" I ask racking my brain for an answer. She closes her eyes and falls asleep and I close the door again as she starts to whimper.

I go back into the room, pick her up and carry her to my room. I place her on my chest as I lay down with her.

She falls asleep as do I.

the next morning my alarm is going and I wake up feeling something on my face and opening my eyes I stare into Dixon blues which are staring right back at me and I have a fist on my face.

"Did my baby sleep well? does she want some food and maybe a bath cus ya stinky" I say picking her up and tickling her tummy all she does is giggle.

She may be annoying in the middle of the night but is cute as hell and wouldn't change a thing.

Just want to apologise for not updating. I got my A level results and had to sort out going back to college a 3rd year.  Not that happy about that.

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