Fishing Trip, Hookers?

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Daryl's POV

Meg, my little girl and the love of my life is in bed slowly dying and I can't do anything about it. Maybe it would be better for her to just leave this world of pain and hurt to live in sleep. without me.

Just thinking about living without Meg is making me tear up.

I continue to kiss and stroke her head. "Your gonna get ill" Someone says from behind me I turn and see Merle.

"Don't care, she's all I care about" I reply slightly spooked as to why he is just standing there.

"She may be a girl, she may be growing up in a walker apocalypsebut she is first an foremost a Dixon" Merle says tucking a lose hair behind her ear. 

"Do ya even know what foremost means?" I ask raising my eyebrows and crack a smile which I haven't done since Meg was taken ill.

"Shut it little brother" Merle says smiling down at Meg.

"Do ya remember when she was about 8 months and all he women were beggin for your dick in them all because of Meg" Merle said still looking at Meg

"Yeah and you took my daughter to a bar in an attempt to pick up girl" I say thinking back to the time I got a phone call from Bill's saying that a Meg Dixon is on a table. I Drove as fast as I ever had and walked into a smoke filled room to see some hookers basically having sex at the same table Meg was placed at.  I picked her up and forbid Merle from taking her anywhere without my knowledge.

"Was a good day I had like women that day" Merle said with a look reminisce. "And had like 3 different STI's" Daryl added on the end.

"Look Meg's awake" I snap my head to look at her sleeping peacefully in a freshly made bed with the radio playing in the background.

"I'ma head out, leave you two alone" Merle says kissing Meg's forehead and whispering something in her ear "What ya talking about, she's still sleepin" I say kissing her forehead and following Merle.

"Merle" I say looking around at the house where Meg has been growing up.

"Ow" I say as I rub my forehead "Fuckin Crazy" I say as I slam my head on the door frame "Shit!" I shout rubbing the spot

"DADDY!" Meg shouts.


I wake to see Daddy's head on my pillow with his arms wrapped around my body pulling me towards him. "He was really tired waiting for you to awaken" Hershel says as he cleans up a bit

"Am I okay now" I ask wiping my eyes as I slowly wake "I think so, he Vet medicine worked well and I gave a little to your daddy as well just in case" Hershel says walking out.

I look to daddy's peaceful face before flicking his forehead

"Daddy, I'm better now" I say as he remains asleep but starts twitching his face "Fuckin crazy" He whispers 

I hit harder in the head and shout "Daddy" as his eyes fly open an look at me.

"Meg" He whispers smiling a massive smile and pulls me into a bigger hug. "How'd you feel" He asks looking at my entire face.

"Better but still sleepy" I say yawning and stretching a little as my muscles hurt. "Go to sleep then little one, I'll still be here in the mornin" daddy says kissing my cheek

"I saw Merle when I was asleep" I say slowing falling asleep "He told me that no matter what I'll always be a Dixon that slept through a fishing trip, something about a hooker" I  said confused

"Um, we'll talk about that when your older" Daddy says as he kisses my head again and everything fades into a peaceful blackness with the feeling of daddy's body warmth keeping me warm.

I was surprised it was a quick update. It's a little short but hopefully will do. Won't be another update for a while unless the Christmas Holiday's are boring.

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