11. Stuck In Cold

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One day the group goes to a scientific type of building for there new video. Basically this building there are different rooms to feel different temperatures. They decided to play hide and seek. Cameraman (Bae) was the one to find them while the others hide.

Sebastian decided to hide in a cold room which was far away from everything. Basically no one was still aware of this room. After a while he started to feel really cool he was only wearing ripped jeans and short sleeves shirt.

After a while Oliver enters this room too and sees Sebastian he doesn't notice Sebastian being cold until the time passes and no one comes they decided to leave when the door is suddenly locked and now they are stuck.

Sebastian was now getting sleepy but tried his best to stay awake. Oliver noticed Sebastian was not wearing anything full covering so he tucked his brother and him in his jacket when suddenly Sebastian started to close his eyes and Oliver tries waking him up.

Oliver was starting to panic. He knew they couldn't stay in the cold room forever and his brother was already starting to feel the effects of the temperature. Sebastian was shivering and starting to fall asleep, and Oliver knew that hypothermia was a real possibility. He gently shook his brother, trying to keep him awake.

"Sebby, come on, stay with me," Oliver said, rubbing his brother's arms to try and warm him up.

He tried to keep Sebastian awake by gently shaking him and calling his name, but Sebastian's eyes remained closed and his breathing became shallow. Oliver knew he had to act fast. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around Sebastian, trying to keep him warm. He held his brother close, trying to share his own body heat.

Then he remembered reading about a technique for warming up hypothermic people, and he decided to try it on Sebastian. He put his arms around Sebastian and began to move them in a circular motion, rubbing Sebastian's arms and legs at the same time. He hoped the friction would generate enough heat to warm them up and prevent Sebastian from slipping into unconsciousness.

After a few minutes of this, Sebastian started to stir. His eyelids fluttered open, and he looked up at Oliver with a confused expression. "What happened?" he asked, his voice slurred.

"We're stuck in this room," Oliver said, "and we're both really cold. But don't worry, I've got you."

Sebastian nodded, still groggy, and Oliver continued to rub his arms and legs. He tried to keep Sebastian talking, asking him questions about their recent videos and their plans for the future. He knew that the more Sebastian stayed engaged, the better chance they had of staying awake and surviving until they were rescued.

As they talked, Oliver started to feel warmer too. He could tell that the technique was working, and he was grateful for the knowledge he had gained from his research.

The temperature was continuing to drop, and Sebastian was getting weaker by the minute.

Sebastian was barely conscious at this point, and Oliver was getting desperate. He tried to stay calm, but he was starting to lose hope.

Just when Oliver was about to give up, he heard a noise outside the door. He called out for help, and to his relief, he heard his best friends calling back.

They had finally realized that they were missing and had gone searching for them.

Kane and Regie, managed to open the door, and they all rushed in to rescue Sebastian and Oliver. They brought blankets and warm clothes, and they quickly bundled them up to try and warm them up.

Sebastian slowly started to recover, and Oliver was relieved beyond words. He realized how close they had come to losing Sebastian, and he made a promise to himself to always look out for his little brother.

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