73. Prom Queen

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This story was requested by @r-r-r-richie

Hope you enjoy!

Sebastian was struggling with self-acceptance. He found himself succumbing to the pressures of fitting into society's beauty standards.

He'd begun obsessing over calorie counts, restricting his food intake, and occasionally starving himself. Slowly, his once vibrant personality began to wither away, and his bones became more visible.

One evening, as Sebastian sat in his room, meticulously counting calories, Oliver entered, concern etched on his face.

Oliver: "Seb, what's going on? You're not yourself anymore."

Sebastian sighed, lowering the food diary he'd been jotting down on. "I just... I want to be better, Oli. I want to be perfect, like everyone expects us to be."

Oliver approached his brother, his eyes filled with genuine worry. "Seb, you're already perfect the way you are. You don't need to change for anyone. Our fans love us because we're real."

Sebastian looked up, tears welling in his eyes. "But, Oli, I just... I can't help it. I see all these comments about how I should lose weight, be more skinny, and I..."

Oliver put his arm around Sebastian, pulling him into a comforting embrace. "Listen, Seb, you're my little brother and I love you for who you are and so does everyone else don't listen to what the comments say. You're perfect just the way you are."

Sebastian smiled and hugged Oliver tightly and thanked him.

The following day, Sebastian began his journey towards self-acceptance with Oliver's unwavering support. He stopped counting calories and started eating healthily, focusing on nourishing his body rather than starving it. Slowly but surely, he regained his lost vitality.

The rest of group noticed the change in Sebastian and applauded his newfound determination. Kane, offered Sebastian a collection of inspirational anime shows, emphasizing the importance of embracing one's true self.

Justin, shared his experience on self-love and self-acceptance with Sebastian, encouraging him to explore his inner thoughts and feelings.

Regie, became a workout partner for Sebastian, guiding him in a healthy fitness routine designed to boost his self-esteem.

Ryan, although still resistant to physical contact, started opening up emotionally, offering Sebastian a listening ear and wise advice about staying true to himself.

Darren, toned down his antics, showing a more supportive and empathetic side to help Sebastian on his journey.

Ty, organized group discussions on self-acceptance, ensuring that everyone was on the same page in supporting Sebastian.

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