95. Recovery

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This story was requested by theyluvvruee

Hope you enjoy!

One fateful day, Oliver woke up with a persistent headache that had plagued him all night.

The discomfort persisted during their morning meetings, which were usually held in the living room.

As he stood up to present his idea on the whiteboard, his vision suddenly blurred. He squinted but managed to write down his idea and present it without anyone noticing.

Throughout the day, Oliver's condition worsened. He experienced blurred vision, annoying sounds, hearing loss, and a persistent feeling of dizziness. By nightfall, he could barely stand. It was then that Sebastian saw him almost miss a step on the stairs.

Sebastian acted quickly, catching Oliver in time and guiding him to his room. He knew something was seriously wrong; Oliver hadn't reacted to the near-fall or even acknowledged it.

"Oli, what's going on?" Sebastian asked, his voice filled with worry. "You've been acting weird all day, and I saw you nearly stumble on the stairs. You're scaring me, bro."

Oliver tried to force a reassuring smile, but it was weak. "Seb, it's nothing, just a bad headache. I didn't want to bother anyone with it, that's all."

Sebastian wasn't convinced. He knew his older brother too well. "Don't lie to me, Oli. Something's seriously wrong. You've got blurred vision, and I noticed you didn't hear half the things we said in the meeting. Come on, talk to me."

Oliver sighed but still didn't tell Sebastian the full truth he came up with excuses saying that he was just tired and didn't get much sleep and had a horrible headache.

Sebastian didn't really believed it but could see that Oliver was getting irritated so he just left Oliver's room after giving him medicine so that he can rest.

Days turned into weeks, and Oliver tried to put on a brave face, but his symptoms persisted.

One evening, as NSB gathered in the living room, working on their latest YouTube video, Sebastian noticed that Oliver wasn't himself. Oliver's hands trembled as he tried to adjust the camera, and his voice wavered as he spoke.

Sebastian couldn't bear to see his brother struggle any longer. He interrupted the group's discussion, concern etched across his face. "Guys, we need to talk. Oli's not doing well, and I can't keep ignoring it. He's in pain, and it's getting worse. We can't continue like this."

The group fell silent, realizing the gravity of the situation. Kane, the oldest and the most experienced in handling crises, spoke up, "Seb's right. We need to prioritize Oli's health. The videos and music can wait. Let's get him the help he needs."

Oliver, who had been trying to hide his discomfort, finally relented. "I didn't want to burden you all, but it's getting too hard. I'm sorry for not speaking up earlier."

Regie, chimed in, "No need to apologize, Oli. We're family, and family comes first."

As a group, they rearranged their schedules and made arrangements for Oliver to receive the specialized medical attention he needed. The support from his NSB lifted a huge weight from Oliver's shoulders.

Throughout Oliver's recovery process, Sebastian remained by his side.

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