61. Misjudgement

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This story was requested by @jiminloverteo

Hope you enjoy!

For a few days, Oliver's mood had taken a downturn as he battled a persistent sickness. The usually sweet smile that adorned his face was replaced by a furrowed brow and a less patient demeanor. Sebastian,was especially concerned.

Kane, was quick to notice the change in Oliver's behavior and that Sebastian was worried. "Hey, Seb, maybe he's just trying to tough it out," Kane suggested.

Sebastian frowned, not convinced. "Nah, something's not right. He's never been this grumpy for so long. I'm worried."

Justin, chimed in. "Maybe he's just stressed about something outside the group. We should give him some space."

Regie, leaned back in his chair. "Yeah, Seb. Oli's tough. He'll bounce back."

Ryan, grumbled, "Well, he's probably just seeking attention."

Darren: "Maybe he's just trying to get out of doing the work."

Sebastian sighed, glancing around at the group. "Come on, guys."

As the days went by, a members started to feel frustrated, gradually aligning with Ryan's skepticism towards Oliver's condition. They felt that his prolonged illness was somehow affecting the group's dynamics, and they began to distance themselves from him. The once tight-knit camaraderie was showing signs of strain.

Sebastian, however, remained steadfast in his belief that Oliver needed their support. Unable to ignore his brother's struggles, Sebastian decided to check on him.

He entered Oliver's room, hoping to offer some comfort, only to be met with an unexpected sight.

Oliver was sitting on his bed, a scowl marring his usually cheerful face. "What do you want, Seb?" he snapped, clearly not in the mood for any company.

Sebastian was taken aback by the hostility in Oliver's tone. "I just wanted to see how you're doing," he said softly, his concern evident.

Oliver's eyes flashed with irritation. "Well, I'm obviously not doing great, Seb. Can't you see that?" His voice dripped with frustration, and he seemed to be on the verge of losing his temper.

Sebastian took a step closer, his heart aching at his brother's distress. "I know you're upset about being sick, Oli. But you don't have to take it out on me."

Oliver's face contorted with anger. "Oh please, don't play the innocent card here. You've been all sympathetic and caring while the others are acting like I'm faking it."

Sebastian's brows furrowed in confusion. "I'm not playing any cards, Oli. I genuinely care about you, and I don't want to see you suffering alone."

Oliver's frustration seemed to escalate, and he stood up abruptly, pacing around the room. "You think you understand everything, don't you? Just because you're my brother, you think you know everything about me?"

Sebastian's eyes widened, hurt evident on his face. "Oli, I'm not claiming to know everything. I just want to help."

Oliver's voice cracked as he retorted, "Well, you're not helping! You're suffocating me with your concern. I don't need you to be my savior, Seb."

Sebastian's heart sank, the weight of the situation hitting him. "I... I didn't realize you felt this way, Oli. I just want to be there for you, like we've always been for each other."

Sebastian's attempt to bridge the gap between them had fallen on deaf ears as Oliver slammed his hands on his knees, his frustration palpable.

Sebastian's heart sank at the sight, a mixture of sadness and anger coursing through him. He turned to leave, his footsteps heavy as he walked towards the door. As he closed the door behind him, it echoed with a loud slam, mirroring the closing of his heart.

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