109. Mysterious Man

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This story was requested by r-r-r-richie

Hope you enjoy!

As NSB strolled through the mall, Sebastian playful antics added a quirky touch to their recording.

Oliver's infectious smile lit up the scene as fans approached, recognizing the famous YouTube sensations.

Amid laughter and banter, the group members teasing each other, a source of amusement for their loyal fanbase. Kane, shared amused glances with the others, while Darren's playful flirting echoed through the air.

However, Sebastian's carefree demeanor took a turn.

He started glancing back, frowning, and acting visibly scared when Darren playfully approached. The group, caught off guard, exchanged puzzled looks but continued filming.

As they moved through the mall, a mysterious man lingered in the background, staring intensely at Sebastian. Initially dismissed as a coincidence, their concern deepened when the man persistently followed Sebastian, making creepy gestures.

Worried for their youngest member, the group huddled together, observing Sebastian's uneasy reactions. It became clear that the man's unsettling actions were directed at him. Determined to protect their own, NSB rallied around Sebastian, shielding him from the stranger's unwarranted attention.

Oliver, the natural leader, spoke with a firm tone, "We've got your back, Seb. Stick close, and let's finish this video safely." Kane, Justin, Regie, Ryan, and Darren formed a protective circle, ensuring the unwanted observer couldn't get near Sebastian.

As they continued recording, Sebastian couldn't take his eyes of the man and soon as they made eye contact the man made a creepy smile sending chills down Sebastian's whole body.

Oliver, sensing Sebastian's distress, gently spoke, "Seb, are you okay? You're not usually like this."

Sebastian clung to Oliver, holding his arm with both hands, shaky breaths escaping him. Sebastian was visibly shaken.

Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, Oliver signaled to the Bae, to stop recording. The group paused, concern etched on their faces as Oliver sighed, his protective instincts kicking in. He instructed Regie to stand close to Sebastian, while he wrapped his other arm around Sebastian's waist, creating a protective barrier.

Oliver's voice was firm but reassuring, "Seb, you're safe. We're here for you." Regie, with his nonchalant demeanor, stood close to Sebastian, creating a united front as they briskly walked through the mall, leaving the unsettling stranger behind.

Sebastian, caught between Oliver and Regie, visibly relaxed as the distance from the mysterious man increased. The weight lifted off his shoulders, and he let out a relieved sigh. Oliver continued to comfort him, "We've got your back, Sebby. You're not alone."

As they reached their car, the group piled in, creating a protective cocoon around Sebastian.

Once inside, Sebastian visibly calmed down, the tension fading from his features.

Oliver, still holding Sebastian close, spoke with reassurance, "We'll figure out what happened, Seb. But for now, you're safe with us."

Sebastian nodded in acknowledgment, his trust in Oliver evident as he put his head on Oliver's shoulder, closing his eyes. Oliver, feeling the weight of responsibility as the older brother and leader of NSB, spoke softly, "We'll handle this, Sebby. Just lean on us."

Regie chimed in with his usual nonchalant tone, "Yeah, cuh, we've got your back. No one messes with NSB."

The rest of the group echoed their support, reaffirming their unity in the face of adversity.

As the car pulled away from the mall, Oliver continued to provide comfort, "Take your time, Sebby. We're here for you, always."

The rhythmic hum of the car and the supportive presence of his friends began to soothe Sebastian, allowing him a moment of respite.

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