23. Olegie pt 2

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Sebastian sat on the couch in their shared living room, his eyes fixed on the TV screen as he absentmindedly played with a lock of his hair. He couldn't help but smile as he watched his older brother, Oliver, interact with their fans in their latest YouTube video.

Oliver had always been there for Sebastian, guiding him through life's ups and downs. Seb admired his brother and cherished every moment they spent together.

Sebastian's eyes shifted to Regie, who was sitting across from him, casually leaning back on the couch with his bulging muscles on full display.

"Hey, Oli," Sebastian called out, nudging his brother with his elbow. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Oliver turned his attention away from the video and smiled at Sebastian. "Of course, Seb. What's on your mind?"

Sebastian took a deep breath and leaned in closer, speaking in a hushed voice. "You know, Oli... I think I've noticed something about you and Regie."

Oliver's eyes widened with surprise, and he shifted uncomfortably. "What do you mean, Seb?"

Sebastian smiled knowingly. "Come on, Oli. I can see the way you look at him when you think no one's watching. You've got feelings for him, don't you?"

Oliver's face turned a shade of pink as he avoided Sebastian's gaze. "I... I never expected you to figure it out. Yes, Seb, I've fallen for Regie. But what can I do? He's so different from me."

Sebastian placed a hand on Oliver's shoulder, his voice filled with reassurance. "Don't worry, Oli. Love knows no boundaries. You have to take a chance and tell him how you feel. Who knows? He might feel the same way."

Over the next few days, Oliver struggled with his feelings for Regie. He confided in Sebastian, seeking his brother's guidance and support.

"You know, Oli," Sebastian began one evening, a warm smile on his face. "Sometimes, the person you least expect can bring you the most joy. Don't let your fear hold you back from experiencing something beautiful."

Oliver sighed, his eyes filled with both longing and uncertainty. "I just don't want to ruin our friendship, Seb. What if Regie doesn't feel the same way?"

Sebastian nodded, understanding Oliver's worries. "I get it, Oli. But you won't know unless you take that leap of faith. Regie is a perceptive guy, and he values honesty. Just be true to yourself, and the rest will fall into place."

Emboldened by his brother's words, Oliver decided to confront his feelings. He mustered up the courage to have a heart-to-heart conversation with Regie one evening, their group members giving them their privacy.

As Oliver poured out his emotions, baring his soul to Regie, he held his breath, awaiting a response.

Regie listened intently, his nonchalant demeanor replaced by a thoughtful expression. After a moment of silence, he spoke softly, surprising Oliver. "Oli, I never thought you felt this way. I... I've been struggling with my own feelings for you too."

Oliver's heart skipped a beat, a mix of relief and happiness flooding through him. "You... you have?"

Regie smiled, a genuine warmth radiating from his eyes. "Yeah, Oli. I've admired you from afar, your dedication, your smile... everything about you. I never imagined you could feel the same."

In that moment, Sebastian, who had been quietly listening to Oliver and Regie's heartfelt conversation, couldn't contain his joy any longer. With a wide smile on his face, he rushed over to where Oliver and Regie stood and enveloped them both in a tight, heartfelt hug.

"Congratulations, you two! I'm so happy for you!" Seb exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine excitement.

Oliver and Regie exchanged surprised yet delighted glances before returning the embrace, forming a tight-knit trio. The other group members watched on, their eyes filled with warmth and support for their friends.

[Did you guys enjoy it? What other stories would you like me to make? Or what other ships would you like me to write a story on?]

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