Brother's blood

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The smell of cinnamon tickled Dean's nostrils as he inhaled, but he didn't mind it. The smell of spices brought back flashing memories of himself as a young boy; His mother would push a strand of blonde hair to the back of her ear unintentionally leaving flour on her cheek while Dean would beg contentedly to help by tugging on her dress. And by the time she decisively said yes all he would help do was place the pie in the oven, then wait impatiently for it to bake. Dean would immediately devour every bite of pie, savoring the sweet crumbling bread in his mouth- sometimes even lick the excess cinnamon off his lips. 'God, I miss my family' thought Dean with a clear image of his brother, Sam, set right into his mind.

Car crash currently occurred near 1400 road and Clinton parkway. Officers in the area, assistance is needed at the wreckage. Repeat, assistance needed at the wreckage.

The radio abruptly switched on, not only causing the freckled man's eyes to fly open but also was the reason his half eaten pie was now at his feet. Dean cursed in a low husky voice, disregarding the cheap gas station pie on purpose and kicking it aside. He threw the plastic container out the window before indolently starting the ignition. Dean rubbed his weary eyes just reminding him about his extensive lack of sleep since it was always on his mind- well, besides his family since he rarely had time off because he was always hustling between the police station and Bobby's garage.

Oh mama, I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law. Lawman has put an end to my runnin', and I'm so far from my home. Oh mama, I can hear you a'cryin, you're so scared and all alone. Hangman is comin' down from the gallows, and I don't have very long.

The police car effortlessly scudded over the highway towards Clinton Parkway, stars twinkling against the night sky. Dean tapped his thumbs along to the rhythm, on the steering wheel.

Again memories were thrown at him, but this time triggered by the smell of thick black smoke. Dean froze, car parked at the wreckage, attempting to escape the thoughts showcasing in his head; remembering his father's long painful cries the night mom died when she was trapped in the heart of the kitchen fire.

Oh, Mama, I've been years on the lam and had a high price on my head. Lawman said, 'Get him dead or alive.' Now it's for sure he'll see me dead. Dear Mama, I can hear you cryin', you're so scared and all alone. Hangman is comin' down from the gallows and I don't have very long.

"We need assistance, Winchester, give us a hand!" Dean flinched, practically falling out of the vehicle as he joined Sheriff Mills. She paused to glance at him, immediately recognizing the look glued to his face- fear.

"We pulled out a seventeen year old male from the scrap of metal. He's still pretty shaken up and hasn't told us anything, so I need you to try and get answers from the kid- Copy that Winchester?" Mills gave him a reassuring nod.

"Alright," The two syllabled word rolled off his tongue. Dean swallowed hard, anxiously approaching the boy with swollen eyes, questioning what he was even doing. Castiel sat perched on the back of an ambulance with a thin grey blanket draped around his shoulders. He clutched his sleeve tighter after seeing Dean approaching him, guilt scrambling relentlessly in the pit of Castiel's stomach, because he was drenched in his brother's blood and trembling for his parents who hadn't arrived-

"You look familiar, you live here in Lawrence right?.. I've seen you volunteer at the church with your brothers."

Castiel nearly hurled at the mention of his brothers, therefore he turned away and held his breath.

"Sorry, You okay kid?"

His hand rested on Castiel's right shoulder, slightly weighing it down. Dean smiled sympathetically at the blue eyed boy, quickly regretting the mention of Castiel's brothers and saw him shiver beneath the blanket, "I'm okay." The words were barley audible.

"I know this is really hard, I've been in your shoes, but we- I really need you to tell me what happened kid."

"I have a name," Castiel calmly corrected him, also watching as Dean's eyes softened.

"Sorry. What's your name?" Dean swallowed hard, but for the most part gazed senselessly at the boy with sorrowful eyes. Dean froze, once again, but it's Castiel again who relieves him from that state by replying with a weak reassuring smile, "Castiel Novak."

The smile planted on Castiel's lips didn't hold long after Dean began querying him with countless questions about the crash, but then again that was his only purpose being there. The questions brought tears to his eyes, but not nearly as significantly as his answers did.

Oh, Mama, I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law. Hangman is comin' down from the gallows and I don't have very long.

"Balthazar was drinking, but I swear we had drank all the beer back at the lake. He wasn't thinking, please don't arrest him!" The teenager begged desperately for his brother's freedom, except he had no indication that Balthazar had died in the vehicle; crushed beyond recognition. Dean couldn't bring himself to confess the outright truth to Castiel without emphatically informing him that he was the only one who had survived the wreckage; Adam, Balthazar, and Gabriel all dead.

"Please, I need to see my babies!" At that point Castiel's parents had arrived, his mother practically screaming to see her sons. She was just as clueless as Castiel- lacking the knowledge that her sons were all dead, but one. Castiel threw himself onto his wobbly feet attempting to advance towards his mother whereas Dean grasped his arm firmly before the blue eyed boy overheard Mills speak to his parents.

"Ma'am, we regret to inform you that Castiel was the only one who survived the crash."

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