Little Devil

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"You're a terrible liar, just admit you're seeing someone." Meg chimed in her usual tone of sass. She squeezed Castiel's cheek enthusiastically with two fingers, making the soft skin on his face turn cherry red. He didn't make any effort to push her away and simply frowned, "That hurts you know."

"Aw, lemme kiss it better unicorn." She puckered her lips, this time making Castiel push her away. "No thanks!"

"If you're not seeing anyone then what are these pretty love bites doing on your neck?" Meg mocked him for the fifth time, smirking then narrowing her eyes. Of course she new something was up the second he had shown up at school with a blue scarf on. Hidden behind the fabric, his skin was adorned in pink, blue, and purple marks created by none other than Dean Winchester. It was obvious how fond he was of marking Castiel as a symbol of love. The concept made the younger boy happy as well, especially when seeing the hickeys in his reflection.

"Why should I tell you anyways?" Castiel snickered.

"So you are seeing someone! Who is it? Holy shit." Another wave of giggles came from her. Castiel grinned at her enthusiasm, wishing he could tell her everything about him and Dean but that wasn't an option. That couldn't happen right now. "I can't tell you...calm down please, people are staring!"

"Why not? We're best friends!" A few more student's heads turned, making Castiel slump in his seat. "Shhh!"

"Megan, Castiel—I didn't assign you partners for discussion of non-math related things." The teacher, Mr.Nickel, suddenly called out from the front of the class they were in. His monotone voice quickly caused Meg's cheerful attitude to crumble. "We were just discussing the problem." She grumbled while he glared, "Mhm."

After Mr.Nickel turned away the two giggled and continued to chat. Meg made one last attempt to find out who Castiel was seeing, but got no answer from the blushing boy. If he wasn't going to say anything today, she'd try again tomorrow. He'd have to eventually tell Meg, right?

As the bell rang Castiel felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. A smile spread across the boy's lips instantly, because the only person who texted him during school was Dean. He gathered his books from the desk then lazily put on his backpack. Meg did the same thing, but much slower because she was complaining about the next class. Castiel rolled his eyes at her then checked his phone instead.

Dean: What do you think of this for my dating app profile picture?

Castiel snorted silently, clutching his books closer to his chest while typing quickly

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Castiel snorted silently, clutching his books closer to his chest while typing quickly.

Castiel: basic

Dean: Ouch. Maybe you should choose one then

Castiel: I say a shirtless photo so everyone can see my lovely marks and know you're taken

Dean: a shirtless photo it is

Castiel: you're such a dork, how's work?

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