Merry Christmas baby

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Strolling alongside Dean and Bobby, Jody lead the way across the Novak's driveway

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Strolling alongside Dean and Bobby, Jody lead the way across the Novak's driveway. She was carrying a container full of baked desserts up to their front door, waiting for Dean to ring the doorbell. Jody stared right at them, "Remember to behave yourselves inside."

Bobby was already showing off his simpered smile to Dean who just obnoxiously sighed, "I'm not 17 you know! And she was talking to you too Bobby."

The old man chuckled, softly shaking his head at his boy, just as the door opened wide. Decorations hung in every corner of the house and the aroma of hot chocolate flooded their senses the moment they stepped inside. Richard had opened the door for them, he stood their grinning and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas until Mrs.Novak came rushing down the stairs, "Oh Hello! Pardon me, I was upstairs with Castiel—how are you all doing?"

"Great! We come bearing desserts and gifts, Merry Christmas Rebecca." Jody hugged Mrs.Novak tightly, prattling on about how delightfully decorated the house was. Mrs.Novak thanked her generously then gave Dean a welcoming hug as well. A few hugs later, Castiel was making his way down the stairwell to greet the three. To display courtesy he said hi to Jody and Bobby first, rather than attack Dean immediately with hugs and kisses.

"Hey..." The freckled boy's lips levered upwards into a smile when he dragged his boyfriend into his arms for a hug. Bobby stared at the sweet moment occurring before his eyes and quietly suggested they give the boys some space. So the gang of Four walked away into the living room, leaving Cas and Dean unaware they were alone until they pulled away from their hug.

"You're looking extremely good today. I'm digging the leather, totally digging it." Castiel placed his hands against Dean's chest then gaped straight up at him. Trying not to laugh, Dean chewed on his bottom lip. "Yeah? I was just thinking the same thing about your...Christmas sweater."

The sweater was hideous. Castiel knew that, but it was a Novak tradition for the sons to wear them every Christmas. His mom made him wear the one him and his always brothers fought over.

"Oh shush."

"No, seriously. Very much adorable." Dean was laughing quietly through his teeth until Castiel shut him up with a kiss. Such a kiss that Dean was left breathless after.

"We should join them before they start thinking we're up to no good," Castiel chortled and ushered him into the living room.

There, Mrs.Novak asked Dean if he was okay and he awkwardly made up an excuse for looking so flushed. Not much happened in the next hour besides talking, opening gifts, and drinking lots of hot chocolate. They all sat on the couches comfortably, watching a Christmas parade on the television while opening more presents. Dean took his lingering gaze off the television screen to look at the wrapped box Castiel dropped onto his lap, "Second one."

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