Yeah, I remember.

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"I didn't even want to do it- they pressured me to, I swear." The teenage boy argued in a muffled voice. An officer lugged him down the hall, doing his best to ignore the whining boy. The tension between them figuratively bounced wall to wall.

"Yeah well- we're calling your parents. As a Juvenile, you now carry a fine of 6 penalty units, and because it was a minor burglary you can pay off the theft. Sit down. "

"But I didn't even steal it! The bottle broke, and I ran." Castiel once again defended himself. Dean gazed at them both completely baffled, after they entered and stood in the center of his office.

"You broke it, you pay for it. Sit." Dean watched Officer Trenton deliberately shove him onto the chair, but didn't interrupt. Seconds later, Trenton snatched the pair of hand cuffs from his waistband case then hastily slapped them onto the boy's wrists. Castiel winced as the metal tightened around his wrists, but was mentally relived that he wasn't cuffed behind his back.

"Jesus Trenton, he's just a kid. Relax." Dean finally let out a quiet complaint loud enough for him to hear. Trenton paused for a second at the comment, relaxed, then gawked up at Dean, "Watch him, his parents are on their way."

Trenton left the office with a look of discontent, but didn't grant a single remark out the door. The silence was almost refreshing, so Dean took advantage of the moment and continued to work on sorting files. Meanwhile Castiel sat, loathing in self pity, until a tear rolled down his cheek. Generally speaking, he had accustomed to this certain behavior after the car crash. Castiel ran around roughly everyday after school with his friends, uncertain of his actions, but it was the only reason the group of friends even allowed him to follow them around. Without them, he'd be alone. Given those points, he wouldn't have been doing these things months ago around his- brothers. Castiel struggled to wipe away that single tear, and Dean watched the shame radiate around him.

"Don't worry kid," Dean leaned back in his chair, feeling rather sorry for him.

"I have a name." Those words hit Dean like a wave, and he immediately remembered who the boy sitting in his office was. Castiel Novak, the boy from the car crash.

"Right, sorry.. Cas." A chuckle escaped Castiel's lips, "Cas?"

The officer gulped, ignoring the blush blossoming upon his own cheeks, "Yeah.. Short for you know, Castiel."

"You remembered my name?" This time Castiel spoke in a soft voice.

"Yeah, I remember." Their eyes met. Castiel's eyes were still, calm, glistening, and he never looked away from Dean's. The moment of silence had a sedative effect, nearly making them both shiver.

Yeah, I remember.


"Mom.." Castiel broke the eye contact, immediately turning his head behind him, towards the door. His mother's eyes glimmered with dismay at the sight of him in cuffs and you could obviously see the distress on his father's face.

"You said this was a minor atrocity, why is my son in hand cuffs?" She questioned officer Trenton who was leaning marginally on Dean's office door.

"Ma'am, they weren't obligatory- there was a small altercation, but you're free to take him home now. The Authorization papers on his fine can be taken care of on the way out. I'm sure Officer Mills will help you out." Dean hastily stood from his chair. Trenton motioned his head to the desk, and there sat the keys.

"Thank you, Officer-?"

"Winchester, Dean Winchester." He gifted her with a sincere smile then reached for the keys.

"Thanks." Castiel whispered and watched the officer uncuff him. Almost immediately after, the boy was on his feet, being dragged away by his mother.
Though, Castiel made sure to give Officer Trenton a mocking smile out the door.

Undesired Hell [ Destiel AU ]Where stories live. Discover now