Destined heartbreak pt.1

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There's a single voice, in a room of a few thousand people, but a million thoughts daunting over all of their heads. Unfortunately for Castiel, half of those thoughts belonged to him. He scanned the auditorium, over and over, looking for an illusive threshold into another reality, but there was nothing. John Winchester stood in every direction of his mind, imagination, and rationality.

"—that is how the graduation ceremony will go down, capiche? I need everyone to figure out who they will be walking with, if you can't find a partner, 's fine. We'll pair you up with someone during Monday's practice."

Students cheered, granting all of their howling excitement towards the principal. But Castiel, sat frozen, checking and re-checking his surroundings as if by doing so he would somehow feel the fever of joy. Despite all of the obstacles thrown at him throughout the year, he'd worked his ass off to get that far. Especially since he felt like he carried some kind of homage on behalf of his brothers. Graduation wasn't only for Castiel, it was for them too.

His head hung low. Heavy and clouded, with thoughts on how to fix everything. Then a single hitch in his throat makes him nauseous. Why would someone do this? How could someone put him in this position?
It's easy to go to the police, but even easier risking someone getting hurt because of him.

The sound of Castiel's phone goes off in the midst of the chaotic assembly and he glances down.

1 New message from Dean

His boyfriend's name triggers a whirlpool of emotions. He looks back up. And the bell rings loud.

Before anymore memories have a chance to creep up on him, he snatches his backpack that's sitting right beside him and quickly flees the auditorium. Everyone else is gagging on the adrenaline of what they're going to wear or how they'll walk across the stage, Castiel can hear the giggling. Like the sound of a toddling playpen and he scoffs in envy. If only he had the time to focus on graduating high school.

"Wait up!"

The boy turned slightly, his back still facing the majority of his peers, then smiles at Meg. She catches up to him, hooking an arm around his neck, "That hurts you know."

"Can you believe we're finally going to leave this hellhole? Pinch me, I must be dreaming." Meg sighs dramatically into his shoulder.

"Don't be too happy, you're going straight to another school after this."

"Well, yeah, but there will be actual nice guys at college. Not jerks like Benny who sit around on their ass all day." She laughs, gum sitting frozen on her tongue, "Makes me kinda sad that you're not single! You'll be missing out."

Her joke was nothing but sweet meaningless fun, yet he wanted to cry. Gently, Castiel pressed the palm of his hand to his mouth and said, "I think I'm going to break up with Dean."

There was only silence after that statement. Meg had no idea what to say, nor did she have a clue on what to do. She knew how in love her best friend was, which meant either Dean had fucked up big time or Castiel just trying to get a reaction out of her. And telling by the look on his face, it could've been either.

She awkwardly snorted, "You're joking right?"

Castiel lost all sense of how long they'd been standing in front of the school, he could hear his pulse banging in his ears. "Yeah." He mumbled, heart squeezing. With a nod, Meg retracts her arm from around her best friend's neck.

"Besides, Dean's probably better than any college hottie."

That makes Castiel roll his eyes, "I better get going. 'Better than any college hottie' is waiting for me at the station." 

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