Marked in a Dream

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A quick Thank you to everyone who gave me feedback on this chapter (on IG) before I uploaded it! It meant a lot to know you guys loved it. Xoxo

"Guess who got a good grade on the biography essay!" A cheer came from Castiel after he unexpectedly burst through Dean's office door. It startled Dean, but not as much as it annoyed him.

"Congrats, now shut up..I'm trying to finish work."

Frowning, the teen walked up to his desk. Dean continued to type away on his laptop, "No snarly remark? Wow, I'm impressed."

"No snarly remark? Bleh blah blah.." Castiel mimicked him then threw off his backpack which landed by the book shelf. Dean smiled, "I suppose I spoke too soon."

"What's so much more important than me?" Castiel joked, tilted his head, and grinned ear to ear.

"Would it offend you if I said everything? My car, pie-" Dean laughed as Castiel tried to close his laptop. He grasped the teen's wrist, "-Don't you dare! I've been working on this for hours."

"Surprised you could even stay concentrated that long." Castiel huffed. His wrist was still locked inbetween Dean's fingers. The grip tightened, he yanked his arm forward.

"You know, you seem to easily forget that I'm a cop." Castiel was leaning over his desk he could practically feel Dean's breath hit his face. He gulped, Dean was really close; Castiel could see where every freckle kissed his skin.

"I don't forget, I just don't care."

"You're stubborn." Dean narrowed his eyes, they were so green with tinges of blue, silver, and gold.

"You're ungrateful." Before Castiel could pull his arm away Dean leaned forward to kiss him, making his heart pound.

The second their lips met, the world was engulfed in their lustful burning flames. God. Dean's lips were rough, but the kiss was so gentle it made Castiel's knees weak. His eyes fluttered closed as he dragged his free hand onto the back of Dean's neck.

With the help of Dean who pulled him completely onto the desk, Castiel was able to sit in front of him and in a matter of seconds Dean was standing inbetween his legs. Neither of them stopped to question what was occurring, they simply continued to pour their hearts out into every touch and kiss they shared.

Castiel tilted his head slightly while Dean planted wet kisses against his jaw. His fingers slid across Dean's smooth skin then combed through his dirty blonde hair. Dean felt Castiel shudder as he kissed the sensitive spots on his neck; he bit down gently on the skin he had lathered in kisses and soon enough he was marking the boy as his. Castiel melted into Dean's arms, kissing his lips hard until they were swollen and red.

A familiar muffled beeping interrupted; Dean didn't seem to notice which confused him, but finally Castiel's surroundings began fading into a blur and he could no longer feel strong arms snaked around his body.
His eyes flung open and sunlight blinded him. The pain in his heart became very relevant as he suddenly realized that he had been dreaming. Without thinking, he yanked his alarm clock from the wall and threw it across his room. The box of plastic made a dent in the wall and sat in pieces on the carpet. He wasn't sure if he was upset at the fact that it was a dream or a dream about Dean Winchester specifically.

More than anything he wanted to cry, but he dragged himself out of bed instead. He walked past the broken clock and stood before his mirror emotionless. His finger tips brushed against the skin on his neck where Dean had marked him in his dream.
His heart and mind told him that he liked Dean Winchester, but Castiel opposed.

The dream was his minds way of forcing him to realize the truth.

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