The Devil

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"Whoa whoa- what are you doing?"

"I'm sitting down," Castiel over dramatically motioned his hands down at the chair beside him then heaved a melodramatic sigh of annoyance. Dean rolled his eyes, "If you thought I'd let you sit here and do nothing then you thought wrong. You could be useful." 

"And I thought Officer Trenton was bad.." The boy muttered as he coughed into his sleeve. As if planned, Officer Trenton walked into the tense room.

"Speak of the devil." Dean leaned back in his leather chair as the other officer trudged forward.

"Mills said to leave the files in her office before you leave, I'm heading home right now." Trenton tilted his head and waiting for Dean's reaction.

"Okie dokie." 

"Looks like the kid did get in trouble after all. Good luck, Winchester here is a bastard." Trenton elbowed Castiel's shoulder too hard on purpose. Ugh. Castiel forced a grin and nodded.

"If I'm a bastard what does that make you?" Dean interrupted. He threw his head back as he burst into laughter. Meanwhile Castiel stared down at his feet failing trying to hold back the fit of laughter caught in his throat.

"The devil." 


It was nearly seven, Castiel had been helping Dean arrange files. More so doing it completely on his own, because the officer was asleep in his chair. Dean's eyelids were shut against the dim office lighting. If Castiel could describe him, he would say that the officer looked so tired he could drop dead. The faint purple shade beneath his lashes were evidence of his lack of sleep and so were the lines beneath his eyes. Now that he was sleeping the lines had smoothed a little. While Castiel sat on the floor cross legged, he rubbed his neck and glanced up at Dean. Should I wake him?  No. Yes? Yes.

"Um. Officer?.." He gracelessly uttered and after a few seconds of no reply he spoke again.

"Dean, wake up." 

"What? No, uhh- I'm not sleeping. I was resting my eyes." The officer pursed his lips then ran a hand across his face. 

"Two hours is a long time to rest your eyes," The boy teased and stood up, sitting on the side of the desk, "I finished sorting the files you had left." 

Dean blinked, shut his eyes, blinked again then finally yawned and managed to keep his eyes open and fixed on Castiel who sat on his desk.

"That's awesome, kid. Now get off my desk." 

"I rather not, plus I think this kid  deserves a thank you," Castiel raised an eyebrow at the worn out man. 

"Thank you, Cas. I appreciate it, I'm just too exhausted to show it." He gestured with his hands as he spoke.

"I can tell. When's the last time you slept?" 

"Uh, maybe a couple days ago? I've been back and forth between jobs." Dean groaned silently and ran a hand through his hair. Castiel glimpsed at the officer through his lashes; His sandy hair that perfectly framed his head and green glossy eyes the color of sea glass. Castiel couldn't help but stare. 

 "You work two jobs?" Castiel questioned before forgetting to reply.

"Yeah, I help fix cars at the shop part time." Dean sighed and leaned back in his chair again.

"You fix cars?" Castiel tilted his head to the side partially.

"What?" Dean scoffed. Castiel bit his tongue and shrugged, "You don't look like you'd be a mechanic."

"Well, I am and I'm pretty damn good at it." He narrowed his eyes at Castiel and continued to brag.


Okay I think  Castiel is really freaking adorable so far, It's hard to make him act like a teenager, but I  really hope you guys are enjoying my story! I've been trying to update more often, since I have more time after school. Comment ideas, I'd love to somehow put them into the story! Thanks for reading xoxo

Undesired Hell [ Destiel AU ]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu