Thanksgiving Dinner

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I usually suck at writing somewhat long chapters so I never do, but today I attempted to do that for you all. Hope you enjoy this new update, it probably has to be one of my new favorite chapters. Any guesses at what's going to happen?
↓↓ Read to find out ↓↓ 😏

This year it wasn't about the turkey, being with family, or the pecan pie– to Castiel, it was all about having Dean over for dinner. In twenty minutes or so he'd be at his doorstep with Jody and Bobby.

"I thought I told you to put on the tie?" Castiel's mother walked into his bedroom. She put her hands on her hips, looking about ready to scold him. As much as he wanted to roll his eyes at her, he didn't because that was indeed the smart thing to do. He had already agreed to wearing the best black jeans he owned and the white dress shirt she bought him.

Now that was an achievement!—all according to him of course. Every other thanksgiving he wore whatever was comfortable to dinner just like his brothers did. They could wear pajamas and their mom wouldn't say a word. However, it wasn't like that this time. Yes, there were guests coming over, so that was one reason she wanted him to dress nicely, but Castiel knew that wearing anything else would bring her former grief and heartbreak. Anything that reminded her of Balthazar or Gabriel made her weep.

"Do I really have to?" He frowned. She stared at him pensively for a second, "Okay, fine no, but could you at least go help dad downstairs?"

Castiel pressed his lips together then nodded his head nimbly at her. She smiled, leaving him alone in his bedroom again. He slumped back on the bed like before, leering at the ceiling momentarily before getting up. With no shoes on his feet, he strolled down the dark hallway then down the stairs.

His dad was towering over the neatly set table, lighting a candle, in the dinning room. "I am here to help." Castiel huffed as his dad looked over at him, "A little late."

The blue eyed boy laughed, approaching his dad– Castiel helped out with the few things he let him do and before he had the chance to go back upstairs to hide, the door bell rang.

Castiel's heart unpreventably began to speed up as he pictured Dean on the opposite side of that door. He curled his fingers into the palm of his sweaty hand, not even feeling his finger nails dig into the skin because of how nervous he suddenly was.
Behind the boy was his mom politely telling him to open the door, so he did and there stood the three. All dressed nicely, better than him at least..

"Hey, happy thanksgiving!" Jody cheered, walking past Castiel as he held the door open. The bearded man that walked in behind her– Bobby, greeted Castiel with a firm hand shake.

His distracted parents were welcoming the two very loudly, so when Dean walked in Castiel had that short moment to enjoy the hug and discrete kiss on the cheek. A blush burned right onto the surface of his face. Castiel rocked on his heels back and forth while Dean batted his pretty lashes at the boy. Just wow, did Dean Winchester look good in a suit. It fit him perfectly in all the right places.

"Happy turkey day." Dean yelled enthusiastically into his face, making Castiel nervously laugh as he closed the front door. He was so distracted by him right now.

"You look...great." Castiel bit his tongue, he had the urge to grasp Dean's red tie and pull him into a sensual kiss. Which of course could not be done, considering where they were. Maybe later.

"Thank you very much, so do you." Dean flashed a toothy grin at the younger boy, who was absolutely head over heels for him. Jody called for Dean a second after, leaving Castiel with his mouth slightly open and no chance to thank him. Why must someone always interrupt?

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