Choking on air

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Is was the distinctive smell of coffee that Dean awoke to at the Novak residence. A completely different aroma to the one that ventured through his nostrils as he entered the Lawrence police station. Dean narrowed his eyes, fighting off the last bit of drowsiness he was feeling. He made it a few steps farther before an arm was thrown around his shoulder, "Hey, look at who it is! Looking pretty rough brother, how was the trip?"

Trenton was leaning into the Winchester's side, ignoring his silent pleading groan for help—"It's really early Trent...I don't feel like being harassed right now, so ask me again in a few hours when I'm not absolutely jaded." Dean gaped at his friend in hopes that he would listen, but a large ruthless grin swept across his face instead.

"Aw. How sweet, you're tired? I haven't had enough sleep since Christmas. 'Been stuck here working days and nights."

"Awesome. Hey, is Jody here yet?" Finally, Dean shrugged the other officer off of him and entered his small office. He sighed contently, Everything in the room was exactly the way he'd left it before the trip to New York, even one of Castiel's hoodies sat on his bookshelf. Dean smiled.

Trenton rolled his eyes, still following Dean closely behind with arms now crossed. He leaned against the wall, head falling forward before a sigh escaped his lips. "You know—I thought I'd be much happier today knowing you'd be back, but that doesn't seem to be the case."

"That hurt my feelings—" Dean paused to scoff sarcastically, "—now you know how I feel about you on a daily basis."

"Lovely. Our friendship is just, lovely." Trenton's head lazily shot up, he chuckled, and flipped off his friend. At last the Winchester smiled at him, he sat down in his chair then propped his feet up onto the cluttered desk.

"Seriously though, is Jody in yet?"

"Yeah yeah, showed up not that long ago. She's with Hanscum, talking about the meeting they're supposed to have with KCKPD next week."

Dean muttered an "Oh" then nodded. He felt oddly comfortable being back at work after so long, considering all the time he'd been spending off to be with his boyfriend or at the garage. The office had once been his favorite place to be, so he was glad to be back.

Back to spending time in the office he worked so hard to earn.

"Seriously though, how was New York with the boy toy?" Trenton teased, winking repeatedly to make Dean uncomfortable. Which worked, because the Winchester was now skittishly scratching the side of his neck and bitting his tongue. His heart beat suddenly went crazy as he thought about the trip—primarily when him and Castiel had sex. The night they made love.

"Whew! Look at you Winchester, you're twitching like a ninety six year old man." Suddenly the feeling of that whole room got cumbersome and Dean felt like he could have an anxiety attack at any given second. No thanks to his friend.

"It was a good trip, we had lots of fun."
Dean passively answered. Those green eyes anxiously flickered up and down while he crossed his arms like it could somehow defend him from where the conversation was headed.
Trenton was chuckling; Dean getting shy wasn't a common thing that happened when he was around, so it made everything ten times more amusing.

"You got down and dirty with the little punk huh?"

Dean was basically choking on air.

"Is he a virgin? Or was he? How does that—gay sexeven work. Did you stick it in him or did he stick it in you?"

"Jesus! Trenton. We're not having this conversation!" Dean desperately waved his arms around as he yanked his feet off the table and sunk back in his chair.

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