noodles, netflix, and a break in?

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The sun sank lower, giving way to the dark of the night in mid January when as soon as twilight descended, Castiel curled up in a blanket watching tv at home. It'd been nearly two weeks since New Years and he was nestled in his usual spot on the couch eating from a container of noodles that Dean had bought him for lunch that day. Playing on the tv in front of him was a random movie on Netflix he'd considered worthy enough to watch while he ate.

"Alright, what'd I miss?" Dean pattered downstairs and leaped back onto the couch right as Castiel dove into the container of noodles for another bite. A muffled whine came from him in response when half of the bite tumbled into his lap. There was a mixed look of panic, humor, and slight guilt in those green eyes that Castiel forgave in an instant.

Dean grinned, "sorry," eagerly burying his head into his boyfriend's side and stretching out across the couch.

"Sure you are." Castiel just let him rest against his middle, absently threading his fingers through Dean's ruffled hair. Using his other hand he continued eating before Dean started stealing bites of his food too. Castiel's bickering love brought Dean's heart warmth. If he could explain his favorite part of being in love, it'd be the countless hours exchanging words, the softest memories, and capturing glances from eyes that see him as the best part of the entire world.

"Spend the night?" Castiel set his meal aside.

Dean stops to think for a moment, nearly giving in just to be able to sleep with him tonight, but remembers the responsibility of having to get up for work early in the morning. He sighs, sitting up to meet Castiel's distant frown with a chaste kiss. His smaller, nimble hands caress his face aimlessly then stop at his shoulders as Dean pulls away, "You know I can't...I've got to get up real early and get ready."

"You're no fun."

Dean finds it very impossible to tear his thoughts away from him. He gently pushes Castiel backwards onto the sofa cushion, feeling his heart beat beneath his palm, then laughs.

"Are you serious? Don't start or I'll make you regret it." Dean jokes, Castiel laughing with him while he kisses his rosy cheeks. He wishes to stay there forever with him, but eventually stands up to leave because Mister and Misses Novak would be home soon. The two finally make it to the front door successfully, neither wanting Dean to leave.

"Alright Bean, Text me when you get home, ok?"

"Yep." The taller boy's voice is soft as they step back out into the cold January weather. Even though his heart is melting with the desperation of dragging him to bed, Castiel reminds himself that he'd see Dean tomorrow, "...Love you."

"I love you too," Dean breaths happily then Castiel pulls his arms tightly around himself as he watches him walk away. The further he gets from the house the lonelier he feels and he sighs dramatically, watching his boyfriend's car drive down the road.

Parked right across the street was an old 1975 Toyota pickup. Because Castiel was only half aware of the rest of the world outside, he gazed blankly at the fading cobalt vehicle on his neighbors turf. He had barely noticed it and even less, the man sitting inside. The sight brought him slight discomfort, but Castiel convinced himself that it was most likely a neighbor. He paid no further attention to the mysterious figure and hastily moved back inside then proceeded to close the front door.

Castiel carried himself back onto the sofa, after locking the door, and coiled up with soft blankets hugging chest. There he watched a few more Netflix movies and texted Dean, waiting for his parents to come back home. They'd been gone for a couple hours to attend some kind of community gathering at their local church. Hearing them mention church came as a surprise to him, because they hadn't been there since the funerals. They avoided church for many reasons, all of them involving some kind of memory of Gabriel and Balthazar. So Castiel was happy that his parents were returning, because he knew how much they enjoyed it before.

Without much warning he fell asleep, swept away by thoughts full of light. After about an hour longer his parents arrived, they were quiet walking in, the sight of Castiel curled up in front of the television warming his mother's heart. She stared momentarily at the gentle rise and fall of his chest, and kissed her baby happily despite the somber summer memories creeping up on her.


There was the obnoxious sound of the house alarm going off in the middle of the night, not silently at all either, but loud enough to wake the Novak's and their neighbors. Rebecca Novak shot up in bed, her breathing suspended, reaching for her husband who was already rushing out of bed. Their first initial thought being the same—Castiel.

The siren broke through the silence, bluntly initiating fear into anyone who heard it.

Downstairs, the teen sits up in automatic fear, half wondering if he's still dreaming as he shields his ears from the harsh noise. Both parents hurry down the stairs and Castiel, more fully awake than before, shuffles through the darkness. He approaches his mom like a lost child. Perhaps someone had gotten inside? Why else would their security system go off. Anxious, Castiel whispered, "Is someone in the house?"

"Let's go upstairs."

As the ringing continued, his mother ushered him forward without an answer, because she honestly didn't know, only feeding his fears. Richard stayed behind to shut off the alarm, and honestly an eerie silence seemed much worse. Every door stood firm, the window frames in place—all in all, it looked like their house hadn't been touched. Unless someone had burst through an invisible door or window the alarm shouldn't have gone off, so finding every room in the house empty left Richard in utter confusion.

Stuck between confusion and anxiety, he called their security company and they together determined it had been a false alarm. It left the Novak's skittish, but without sign of a break in or intruder lurking around the house, there was nothing else they could do besides sleep with one eye open for the rest of the night.

"Why would it do that though? It's never happened before." Castiel's blue eyes hardened, there's a look on his youthful face that screams uncertainty. Gently, his mom brushed her hand against his cheek, "They're sending someone to come check on the system tomorrow, now, go to bed honey. You've got school tomorrow."

And this is when he gives into his tiredness, stirring towards his room while both parents wish him a good nights rest. Castiel hopes so too then carries himself to his soft mattress and topples onto sheets that caress his skin and smell faintly of Dean—faintly of motor oil and soft vanilla. Letting his boyfriend use his blankets whenever he came over to watch movies had paid off, Castiel held very dear to his heart the scent of him. It made him feel safe and sent him into a deep sleep in a matter of seconds.

I really love this chapter? Got the inspiration after listening to Billie Eilish's song When the Party's over.
I just started listening to her music and it's sending me into a writing spree! Originally this chapter was longer, but I decided to split it into two parts, so next chapter should be done soon.

I'm curious to hear what your predictions on what's going to happen?

This entire scene wasn't supposed to be a part of the fic originally, but I thought it fit in way better than my previous idea.
Anyways, for those who still read this book, thank you so much.

Lots of love, Gabby ❤️

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