Fiery Halo

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It was Sunday which meant Dean had the late shift at the station and met up at the shop in the morning. Dean laid in bed, staring at his ceiling with the sun peaking through his bedroom window. He could feel the warmth of the sun on his skin and see the sparkling rays of light meeting his skin with a golden sheen. A few seconds later he lifted his head off his pillow, sitting with his back against the head board; the light gleamed against Dean's hair almost like a fiery halo.

I see the bad moon rising. I see trouble on the way . I see earthquakes and lightnin'. I see bad times today.

After turning on the radio that sat on his night stand Dean stood, his bare feet touching the cold wooden flooring. He put on a plain black tee shirt then threw on the first flannel he saw in his closet. The man sang at the top of his lungs the entire time while getting ready and in the kitchen making toast, when usually he had a piece of toast in his mouth while running out the door, but finally Sunday had come- Dean could take his time.


"Hey, I was wondering when you were gunna show up." Bobby raised an eyebrow as Dean trudged into the busy auto shop. The elder man wiped his grease stained hands on an old rag beside him then pulled the Winchester in for an amiable hug. A smile tugged at Dean's lips before Bobby pulled away, "Your dad called. Again."

The smile faded as Dean scoffed at the mention of his father, "What did he say this time?"

"Said he's gettin' out this year, that true?" Bobby watched as he shifted uncomfortably. As much as Dean wished he was wrong, it was true- "Yeah, he is."

"Well, hell. You told Sam yet?"

"No, I haven't called. He's probably busy with school." He lied, trying his best to avoid the subject even though he knew he should call his little brother, Sam.

"That's a bullshit excuse and you know it, Winchester."

"Yeah yeah." He rolled his eyes then walked away. A low huff escaped Dean's lips as he tied his flannel around his waist. Sam was in California, head buried in books to become a lawyer. Dean didn't want to call him- tell him that their father was soon to be released from jail. His brother didn't need to know that the man who ruined their childhood, after their mother's death, would probably be breathing down their necks in a few months.
After pulling out his phone, he just stared at it blankly. The only time he called was on Sam's Birthday, and as much as he wished they spoke more- they didn't. Dean blamed their traumatic childhood, endless abuse from their father. He remembered that one night, the bruising on little Sammy's face; it made Dean furious. Dean despised it, he always stood before his brother and let John hurt him instead. That was that, till' John got arrested and they had moved in with uncle Bobby.

All Dean felt, in that moment, was his heart aching and a hitch in his throat, but he eventually dialed the number with sweaty fingers. The phone rang once, twice, three times, four- "Hello?"

Dean cleared his throat and replied a few seconds after, "Uh.. hey Sammy- It's me."
He heard what sounded like rustling then a door close before Sam answered again, "Um, what's up?"

"..Nothing- how are you?" Dean leaned against a wall with a small sad smile tugging at his lips.

"Good! Yeah. What about you- How's driving around in a cop car?" Sam chuckled, attempting to lighten up the depressing conversation.

"Heh. It's pretty damn awesome actually." He smirked and nodded his head as he heard his little brother's laughter.

"I'm absolutely jealous." Sam joked.

"Shut up." The elder Winchester's smile widened only momentarily before the depressing silence caught up with them.

"So.. Why'd you really call, Dean?" On the other line, Sam stood impatiently pacing in his cramped dorm. He ran a hand through his hair and held his breath during Dean's short silence.

"Dad's getting out." Dean's voice cracked. Both of them were silent, there was only the sound of each others breathing.


"This year, around Christmas."

Sam closed his eyes and scoffed, "Merry Fucking Christmas."

I hope this chapter was alright, it's really short. I've been working on the next chapter, but I got stuck and I needed something to publish. SPN is back on today *sCREAMS* ! Hopefully some inspiration for the next chapter. :D

What are your guy's thoughts on Dean so far??

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