Sick Day

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"I can't let you go to school with that fever of yours."

Curling up on the couch was a very sick Castiel. Although he was lying to his mother that he felt fine enough to go to school, she saw right through the lie. If only she knew that Castiel didn't care about school, he honestly just wanted to see Dean later that day. But couldn't if he was sick.

"If I feel better later can I still go to the station?" He mumbled with a frown on his face. His mother combed her fingers through her sons hair and sighed, "Only if you feel better, now get some rest! I'll be home later when I come home from work."

Now he was home all alone watching some ghost show on the travel channel and texting Meg. Her usual chirpy attitude wasn't there, instead she seemed genuinely upset. So Castiel decided to ask what the deal was.

Castiel: what's with the mood?

Meg: Ben is angry I went to that party the other night

Castiel: Ben as in Benny??

Meg: yes string bean

Castiel: Why's he upset?

Meg: because we're sorta a thing and I hung out with Ash all night

Castiel: since when? what the hell

Meg: since forever, you're not helping

Castiel: sorry. Is he ignoring you?

Meg: yep

Castiel: give him time to cool off, then bring it up I guess....You know how he is

Meg: ughh sucks you're not here

Castiel was typing when another text notification interrupted him. It was from Dean.

Dean: Taking you out for a ride today, wear something warm princess.

The text message sent Castiel into a fit of excited giggles. He sat up on the couch, pulled his knees to his chest, and sent his reply.

Castiel: Can't wait for our first date.

All the while Dean was at a meeting with Jody, busy sending discrete text messages to his swain. He was slouched in the chair when muffled laughter escaped his sealed lips and caused the entire council to look directly at him. He shrugged, "Allergies."

Dean's noticeable lie earned him a cold glare from Jody who would definitely scold him later. Hardly anyone there cared, so they went back to discussing whatever Dean hadn't been listening to. He tapped away at his phone.

Dean: It's not a date.

Castiel: keep telling yourself that

Dean: Stop texting me, I'm at a very important meeting!

Castiel: you texted first

Dean: shouldn't you be doing school stuff

Castiel: school stuff? And I would be, but I stayed home today. Sick...

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